
18 Legendary Items That Look Like They Belong In A Role-Playing Game

18 Legendary Items That Look Like They Belong In A Role-Playing Game
18 Legendary Items That Look Like They Belong In A Role-Playing Game

Published November 10, 2023

Published November 10, 2023

Feeling severely underequipped for your today's adventure? About to go on a boss raid but lacking armor, weapons, and potions? Are the elements forcing you to seek some additional protection? Worry not, for we visited the /r/itemshop subreddit where the finest equipment specialists from Reddit submit their findings.

Legendary weapons and armor, powerful artifacts and potions, companions any adventurer can only dream about, and more can be found in this comfy community. And the best part? Most of these items can be procured within the distance of five miles or less. So why wear these clothes that probably don't even give you any resistances any longer when much better loot can be found today? Browse and get inspired.

Pocket Morter: 1590 Damage Per Shot, 90% Chance To Cripple Wrist, Counts as Hold-Out Weapon And Can Be Snuck Into Buildings

(Source: Reddit)

Rainbow Scarf: +100 Representation, +100 Swag

(Source: Reddit)

Deployable Friend: Provides Moral Support and Replenishes Ammo for 5 Minutes

(Source: Reddit)

Looting +50, Damage 84

(Source: Reddit)

Handguns: +10 Steady Aim, Cannot Be Dropped

(Source: Reddit)

Armor of the Traffic Cone: Negates Bludgeoning Damage and Causes Enemies to Reroute to One Side

(Source: Twitter)

The Drink of Density: Randomly Change's User's Density, Multi-Use

(Source: Reddit)

Realism Ring Makes You Immune to All Magic

(Source: Reddit)

Lever of Mass Extinction: Eliminates All Cards on the Board

(Source: Reddit)

CAT: Does Absolutely Nothing, Cannot Be Dropped

(Source: Reddit)

Last Resort Sign: +30 Stealth, +25 Speech

(Source: Reddit)

These Hands: Common Item, Bonus Damage In Salt Lake City

(Source: Reddit)

God-Gone: +100 Attack Against Astral Beings

(Source: Reddit)

12-Gauge Deagle: Craftable; -40 Range, +100 Damage

(Source: Reddit)

Tacticool Drill: 15 Firing Speed, 25% Home Depot Discount

(Source: Reddit)

Clown's Nose: +20% Luck, +100% Sillyness

(Source: Tumblr)

Mobile Landmine: 300 Explosive Damage, Medium AOE, Slow Speed

(Source: Reddit)

Blunderbass: +20% Chance to Stun, +50 Fishing

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/itemshop, item shop, rpg item, video game item, skyrim, bird, maxwell,

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