20 Adorable Animals To Celebrate The Start Of Spring

Spring is finally here! After month and months of cold snow, darkness and wet days, the light at the end is peeking through. The snow is melting and the days are getting brighter. The seasonal depression and winter blues are slowly being left behind, replaced by sun and warmth. Unless you're someone who genuinely likes and enjoys winter, the thought of spring and summer is the best, most invigorating thing you can think of. With the start of warm months comes the season for baby animals too, and what's better than that?
What better way to transition from winter into spring than with eye bleach? Eye bleach is the term for photos or videos that are super wholesome and sweet, so much so that they rid your brain of anything undesirable. A common form of eye bleach is cute animals, because who doesn't like them? Here are 20 eye bleach-worthy photos to start your warm spring and summer months off in the right way.
No Thoughts
(Source: Reddit)
Little Baby
(Source: Reddit)
Big Yawn
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
Spring is Here!
(Source: Reddit)
Getting a Little Checkup
(Source: Reddit)
Such a Happy Guy
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
Some Baby Tortoises
(Source: Reddit)
Spring Lambs
(Source: Reddit)
Festive Man
(Source: Reddit)
Sunny Naptime
(Source: Reddit)
Baby Cow Getting Pets
(Source: Reddit)
So Perfect
(Source: Reddit)
Precious Little Baby
(Source: Reddit)
Baby Otter Yawning
(Source: Reddit)
Just a Baby
(Source: Reddit)
10 Week Old Daisy
(Source: Reddit)
So Fluffy. So Pure.
(Source: Reddit)
Just Enjoying The View
(Source: Reddit)