25 Photos And Memes To Make You A Little Uncomfortable Today

There are some people out there with painfully sick minds and unfortunately, they like to share that with the world. They can think of and create some of the most heinous things you have ever seen, things that genuinely ruin the day that you probably won't forget about for a while. Whether it be sharing a not-very-fun fact, sharing an uncomfortable image, or making a horrible meme or comic that no one asked for. All in all, these are the kinds of things that are shared to Reddit's subreddit /r/TIHI. "TIHI" stands for "thanks, I hate it". It is a way to acknowledge the effort put in by the poster of the image but expresses the strong distaste for it at the same time. This is for the things that no one really asked for, and no one is really thankful for. The world didn't need the cursed images that are prevalent on this subreddit. Nonetheless here are 25 memes and images that you can really only say "thanks, I hate it" too.