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Brian Williams And NYT Journalist Roasted After They Fail Basic Math On Air

Brian Williams and NYT Journalist roasted for failing basic math.
Brian Williams and NYT Journalist roasted for failing basic math.

Published March 06, 2020

Published March 06, 2020

Math, as many of us know, is hard. Journalism is also hard. But fact-checking this tweet that had Brian Williams and a NYT journalist agog on the air should have been pretty easy.

Mike Bloomberg dropped out of the presidential primary Wednesday morning after spending an astronomical $500 million on television ads in the race and failing to win a single state (Bloomberg did win American Samoa). The massive waste of cash naturally led people to imagine the better causes on which Bloomberg could have spent that money. Writer Mekita Rivas came up with a simply jaw-dropping statistic: in America, there are 327 million people, and if Bloomberg instead gave one million dollars to each American, he would have over 170 million dollars leftover.

If you had to read the tweet a few times to understand the issue here, you're not alone. Many were stunned at the statistic and it quickly went viral, before people pointed out the obvious error: 1 million times 327 million is 327 trillion. Bloomberg would need more money than there is on the planet to pull off this act of incredible philanthropy. Rivas locked her account shortly after the gaffe and added, "I know, I'm bad at math" to her bio.

The story should have ended there, but because we live in hell world, it made it all the way to MSNBC, where Brian Williams and NYT editorial board member Mara Gay repeated Rivas' tweet unironically to gawk at Bloomberg's wealth.

Rightfully, the pair were roasted for uncritically repeating Rivas' incorrect math.

While the trio of Rivas, Gay and Williams each got the math catastrophically wrong, I believe it's safe to say that we all agree Mike Bloomberg should start giving people a million dollars and we'll see what happens. I volunteer.

Tags: brian williams, mike bloomberg, maya gay, new york times,

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