Left: a liminal space, featuring a Dr. Pepper vending machine in an empty hallway
Right: another liminal space, an aisle of Wal Mart full of Cheetos

10 Creepy And Desolate Liminal Spaces

Liminal spaces are, by definition, neither here nor there. They are what exist in between states, in between destinations, in between people. Liminal spaces are the vast, active emptinesses that structure and animate the world we move through. Warehouses, hallways, rooms lit by bright fluorescents all through the night; our modern society, which is always buzzing, creates these formless and bizarre spaces that nobody was ever meant to stay in.

Pictures of these perhaps-cursed spaces are collected and reposted by a bot on Twitter called @SpaceLiminalBot. They radiate a kind of benign indifference that may bring to mind the benign indifference of nature, the plain vastness of the open ocean and the wide desert, landscapes that neither care nor nor hate, that extend entirely without intention and just stand, desolate yet delightful.

Wash Up

Um… Excuse Me?

Who's there?

Hexagon Is The Strongest Shape

Or so they say.

Time To Play

Pool Pool Pool

Water goes slosh slosh slosh.


Low Price Lawn & Garden ow Price BE PRE E TE RE 1131羽羽 ese Ch C Cheese e is e e

Going to the store to pick up some stuff… want anything?


You're going somewhere… are you sure where?



Water goes slosh slosh slosh.

Soda, Please


No phones, just people living in the moment.

You're Welcome

Hope you make it to wherever you're meaning to go :)

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