girl with purple hair
girl holding sign
cowboys in hats
guy with glasses

10 Facebook Memes That Are Really Hard To Look At

Facebook is an interesting part of the internet. Lately, it has become a desolate social media platform that is primarily only used by people over the age of 30. It is the prime hunting ground for Facebook scammers, soccer moms and more importantly, very terrible memes. While Facebook is well-known for its plethora of minion-themed memes shared by moms internationally, it is also home to many memes that truly test the limits of humor. These come in many forms, like fake "woke" memes about the younger generations to older folks claiming we have it so easy compared to them.

Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes puts all of these terrible memes on display to over 2 million members. Spending a few minutes on the subreddit gives you an insight into the mind of an average Facebook Boomer, usually spiting the younger generation and leaning a bit far to the right of the political spectrum. Here are some of the best posts.

From the generation upset about the skin color of a mermaid

Millennials "You don't understand how bad words hurt!!" Literally everyone born before 1995: made with mematic €

(Source: Reddit)

Apparently we're also stupid

This Is How Stupid This Generation Is Half a Million Nine hundred Thousand OD HAY INT HIN

(Source: Reddit)

Zombies have feelings too

Zombie apocalypse: Starts 14 y.o. girls: INS Zombies are also humans

(Source: Reddit)

Someone posted this seriously
When you send your son to school in a blue state @GABRIELSAVAGE

(Source: Reddit)

Ah yes, I hate those pesky blue states dying my kids' hair and putting makeup on them!

Liberal cartoons!

MEME r/meme Cartoons nowdays KIDS . NICKELODEON 5 hulu Disney+ NETFLIX D

(Source: Reddit)


MEN before bath after bath WOMEN before bath after bath

(Source: Reddit)

Men will be men!

Men will be men LA

(Source: Reddit)

Food for thought…

YOU ALWAYS WANT WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE @successpictures @successpictures BOAT! LAND! @successpictures

(Source: Reddit)

Facebook memes can sometimes hold some wisdom too…

Pirate inclusion?

BOOK ற்ற்றல் VIDEO GAME ‘== [memelotics] MOVIE NETFLIX

(Source: Reddit)

Glad to see Netflix finally showing some love for the pirates of the world!

You better not scroll by this

"I did it mom" Don't scroll without liking a Swipe! @pubertyhits SNOW SNOWT

(Source: Reddit)

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