10 Memes About 2023 So Far
It's still 2023. Since the world hasn't fallen into complete chaos so far this year, it hasn't really sunk in. Let's face it, the past couple years have been pretty awful. We're all still surviving through a pandemic, and the news is always looking rather bleak, but hey, at least it's a new year, and we can start fresh again as if all that stuff isn't still happening. But as we're all looking forward to (or dreading) this new year, just remember that everyone else is here for you, too, and they've created some memes to help you cross this threshold.
To start the year right, we've gathered some of these memes to keep you feeling optimistic (or not) about what's ahead. Hopefully, your return to work or school after the holidays is going smoothly, but if not, these memes may help with that, too. Here are 10 memes from about this odd transition.
It’s Quiet…Too Quiet
It's awfully suspicious that we're a few days into 2023 and there's been no immediate threat of the world collapsing around us. Maybe it's just because it's already been collapsing since 2020.
Check Back and See How Accurate This Was Next Year
I mean, most of these things are pretty general, so it's good to know we almost definitely have some of this to look forward to this year.
Maybe this was just a typo, but if not, I guess it's safe to assume New Zealand is in 2024 already.