10 Signs That Don't Mean What They Were Supposed To Mean
![10 Signs That Don't Mean What They Were Supposed To Mean A dog turning a "no dogs allowed" sign into a dogs allowed sign by sitting over the "no," and a sign from in front of a middle school using the word "cougar" in a confusing manner.](
![10 Signs That Don't Mean What They Were Supposed To Mean A dog turning a "no dogs allowed" sign into a dogs allowed sign by sitting over the "no," and a sign from in front of a middle school using the word "cougar" in a confusing manner.](
Putting up a sign usually requires a not-insubstantial amount of forethought and planning, but that doesn't mean people never make mistakes. Or that factors outside their control never alter the messages they try to get across. Here are thirteen pieces of evidence showing how easy it is for a sign to end up saying something completely different from what it was supposed to say.
These signs from Reddit's /r/funnysigns do not mean what they were meant to mean, either because of human error or factors entirely outside of the control of their makers. They are, however, meant to meme. These signs were captured out in the wild by everyday people engaged in the eternal online quest of celebrating the weird little things and incidents in the corners of existence.
Well-Positioned Pooch
(Source: Reddit)
A cynic would say this dog was posed to sit precisely over the "No." An optimist would say the dog's inner anarchist led it there totally by chance.
They Would Be Great Coworkers
(Source: Reddit)
We're not talking about part of a turkey, but the whole turkey. And they might not give 100% every day at work, but they'd give 75%, it seems.
Not Obeyed
(Source: Reddit)
How would they know people were taking pictures of it in the first place? Maybe from the memes. Why would they taunt us like this?