Two cringeworthy stories that definitely didn't happen.

10 Social Media Stories That Definitely Didn't Happen

'That happened' is a sarcastic term used online in response to tales and stories that are suspicious, unbelievable and more than likely fake. The term is said to originate from the television show Friends, where one of the main characters Phoebe responds "Yeah, I'm sure that happened" when Rachel claims she kissed a girl.

Ultimately, the subreddit /r/thatHappened was created in 2012 and is known as a "place for posting people telling outrageous tall tales that would make Walter Mitty proud," as per the subreddit's description. People have used this subreddit to share crazy and fake stories that have been spotted on social media, and we found some of the most ridiculous and funny ones for you to enjoy.

Because this is a thing that teachers famously do

Iryna's family came to America after the bombings in Kyiv started. Then her new teacher told her to salute the LGBTQ flag or go home. End the LGBTQ grooming of immigrant children NOW.

(Source: Reddit)

This ridiculously fake story is based on the 2021-2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

7-year-old child enlightens a mother on the true meaning behind taking a selfie

8h. "Mommy can I take your picture?" Really wasn't in the picture taking mood until my little one told me to strike a pose. It was at that point, I realized that posing is a performing art when a 7 year old takes your picture; I had to get my entire head in the shot. But anyways, I call this pose, "Ignoring the Noise," because it was that kinda day today. Nonsense goes in one ear, and it went out the other. OR AIMAORIJAS

(Source: Reddit)

It is quite obvious that this is fake. The lady's arm looks like she is taking a selfie, and the text on her shirt is reversed meaning the front camera was used.

Beard does not equal Muslim

c. 23h ... Shopping at Half Price Books in the religion section and a dude looked me up and down and said, "As- salamu alaykum." I said, "Oh, I'm not Muslim, but As- salamu alaykum to you as well." He responded "Could have fulled me. Nice beard." 27 2

(Source: Reddit)

This post is painful because of the original poster's terrible tale and because of the terrible spelling error of "fulled" instead of "fooled."

Ain't no way

Reels aint no way my middle aged male TEACHER said to me "look at you w your little outfit. you look cute. i wish more girls dressed like this" he should be fired tf. ... ..iginal Audio 0 56.4k a 693 D TRANS

(Source: Reddit)

And everyone at the bar clapped

i-6d What's the worst thing a woman has done on the first date? 1,080 12.7K 13.8K ki She literally asked what was their most expensive drink. The waiter met my eyes and the bro code kicked in. He just kept saying everything was out of stock. God bless him where he is now. I went back to give him a tip but he declined.

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken nuggets story

Hayley Hyrule Yesterday at 11:12 PM. Was in Woolworths grabbing nuggets like 3 big packs A lady is next me she giggles and says "autistic child?" I look at her and say "No, autistic me" She looked shocked and I walked away You and 39 others 13 Comments

(Source: Reddit)

Elon Musk story

nok. 7h : Replying to @elonmusk I'm climbing up to get my 10 yr old down to dinner yesterday I hear him tell his neighbor friend on facetime "Elon Musk finally bought Twitter!!!" I hear this small voice say "oukay?!" my son says, "this is like he is unshackling people, we are free now!" 50 17 6 170

(Source: Reddit)

Bolt was very fast

10:45 Replies 656 TOK A KO X 1 month ago 1:55 this is very impressive. back in high school during track practice, i did a 9.36 100m. so please, do not say bolt is the fastest man alive because u have not seen every single 7.7 billion ppl run 100m. but nonetheless, bolt was very fast. 1

(Source: Reddit)

Hard to believe

(Source: Reddit)

Kiss on the head?

Today while enjoying some drinks on the beach at the bar...a young lady sitting next to me became unresponsive after taking multiple shots...needless to say the nurse in me kicked in and I sprung into action...the paramedic literally kissed me on my head and Thanked me for assisting this young lady and for making their job easier when they arrived. I Love what I do and I'm good at it!

(Source: Reddit)

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