
11 People Airing Their Generational Grief

a collection of people complaining about the generation they're living in photos are of a man tweeting how much he would prefer living in the 60s to drop acid and smoke cigarettes and another claiming that they're dating to marry
a collection of people complaining about the generation they're living in photos are of a man tweeting how much he would prefer living in the 60s to drop acid and smoke cigarettes and another claiming that they're dating to marry

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Have you ever wanted to time travel to a different generation, one that feels more aligned with your lifestyle? Do you truly hate the music that's being released today? Well, you might want to befriend the following people below, who have pretty much had enough of what this decade has had to offer. Here are 11 of our favorite people lamenting about being born in the wrong times thanks to the Reddit community /r/LeWrongGeneration.

Impeccable Style

(Source: Reddit)

Where Are All Of The Biebers?!

(Source: Reddit)

Searching For A Blessing

(Source: Reddit)

What A List Of Activities

(Source: Reddit)

At Least We Still Have YouTube

(Source: Reddit)

sAd BuT tRuE

(Source: Reddit)

A Lot To Unpack Here

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Daisy, Very Cool!

(Source: Reddit)

Joker Insight

(Source: Reddit)

Might Have To Agree With This One

(Source: Reddit)

I Think…We Might Still Have All Of These Things?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/lewronggeneration, reddit, madmen, excuses, disney stars, airplane!, comedy, crocs, dating to marry, pure music, cigs, acid, freddie mercury, cardi b, snapchat filters, no shoes, outdoors, joker, dating scene, collections,