
12 Fake Spirit Halloween Costume Memes

Two fake spirit Halloween costumes in the following collection.
Two fake spirit Halloween costumes in the following collection.

Published October 29, 2022

Published October 29, 2022

One of the biggest memes at the moment is the new format where a Spirit Halloween costume is replaced with any stereotype imaginable. Sometimes, it's a more standard exploitable meme, but other times, it's similar to a starter pack, describing specific characteristics associated with different people and things we encounter in day-to-day life. It's a pretty new format, and in the past few days, people have come up with some pretty creative uses of the new meme, just in time for the holiday.

These memes about Spirit Halloween and the costumes they should have put in stores instead of the real ones are keeping things festive yet original before Halloween on Monday. We've picked some of the best of the newest ones uploaded to our site so you can enjoy them before the spooky season's come to an end.

Adopt, Don’t Shop

Rescuing a pet is great, except when you keep constantly talking about the fact that the pet is rescued.

Umbrella Show Kid

Everyone loves the umbrella show kid. They should have included that mannequin he was violating.


He Just Looks Like All Of Us

Need a last-minute costume idea? Here's one.

They’re All the Same

At least they're still better off than us meme writers.

Poor Guy

Realistic Scientist

Don’t Forget the Flannel


Looking Good

“No Talking on the Bus!”

I never understood why these teachers were so angry.


Tags: halloween, halloween memes, spirit halloween, sprit halloween memes, fake spirit halloween costume, halloween costume, memes, collections, spooktober, spooky,