Two dumb quora questions in the following collection.

12 Weird And Unhinged Questions On Quora

If you've got a question to ask online, one place you could go for answers is Quora. It's not really the most advisable place, since most of these questions can be answered with a simple Google search, but it's a site that exists to satisfy people's curiosity, and it turns out a lot of people are a little too curious about some very strange things, asking questions that no functioning human being would ever come up with or replying with some seriously unhelpful advice.

Many people are treating Quora as a social media platform, sometimes posting deranged shower thoughts. Other times, they talk about their terrible parenting attempts or try to convince others of some very untrue facts. Whether it's a question or an answer, there are some things people really shouldn't be saying. Here are just a few, pulled from the dark depths of Quora that were better left undiscovered.

Respect Your Elders, Not Your Coworkers

I'm a 67-year-old cashier. My coworker is 19 and tries talking to me like an equal. How do I put him in his place and remind him that as an elder, I deserve unconditional respect and obedience?

(Source: Reddit)

How dare one coworker talk to another as if they're equals?

Terrible Parenting Tip

Kierstyn Marie. Follow Works at Ashley Stewart . Sun X My nine-month-old tried to take her first steps, but I pushed her back down since I don't feel like chasing her around the house. Was this a good move?

(Source: Reddit)

Quora also happens to have a huge community of parents who are actually kind of evil and clearly have no clue how to take care of a child.

Asking the Important Questions

Quora 1 W Open in App a Ô Why couldn't Jesus have been a blue eyed, blonde man? Many indigenous Middle Eastern people have blonde hair and blue eyes.

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Ironic

Why are people in the UK and Canada so poorly educated compared to the US?

(Source: Reddit)

I'm curious where this user got this bit of "information" from. He should probably check again.

When Your Son Won't Shave

10:57 1 Quora Open in App 61 Sign In My 16-year-old son has a full beard and won't shave. What should I do? How do I get him to shave it off? Should I just do it myself while he's asleep?

(Source: Reddit)

That's Quite a Predicament

Quora 040 0 Answer How do I remove Orbeedz from my or is it going to pass? My parents are traveling and they don't want me to call them. no Follow Open in App Request Details Q More

(Source: Reddit)

Just Some Casual Racism

How do you handle a Caucasian son marrying a black woman? 15 answers. Last followed Sat Answer Follow-2 X Pass X

(Source: Reddit)

There's also a lot of racism on Quora, too.

Not Harsh Enough

I caught my 14-year-old son skipping school and I confiscated his phone, PC. tablet, watch, laptop and bed. Am I being harsh enough?

(Source: Reddit)

This Landlord's Eviction Attempt

Follow Former Former Landlord of Four Rentals - Dec 2 X W I tried to evict my tenant by removing all his belongings and leaving them on the sidewalk, the tenant hasn't paid rent for 6 months and I'm stuck paying for everything, could I get in trouble for evicting him like this? You did not evict your tenant. You broke into his home and stole his personal belongings, then you put that tenants items on the sidewalk for anyone to take. You better pray your tenant does not call the police, if the tenant calls the police, you could be looking at a jail cell. In California you would be in deep trouble. When this goes to court, I expect you will not be getting any back rent, you will be paying for the new replacement of all the tenants belongings. You doing what you have done is probably a $20-$30K mistake. Better start saving your money, you're going to be giving that tenant a big check. If you found my post interesting or helpful, please upvote, share, and follow. Thank you! 5M views View 7,925 upvotes View 40 shares 56640 7.9K

(Source: Reddit)

Moving someone's things out of their apartment takes a huge amount of time, too, and at no point in this ordeal did he think, "This maybe isn't something I should be doing."

A Terrible Child Discipline Question

I just found out my 14-year-old daughter snuck out of the house last week to go to a party I hadn't let her go to. Should I hit her as a punishment?

(Source: Reddit)

Eating God

Is it true that Jews are forbidden from eating ham because ham is a contraction of Hashem (the Jewish God), and so eating ham, for Jews, is like eating God?

(Source: Reddit)

Very Insightful, Thank You

What happens when you feed alka seltzer to a bird? 2 Answer 10 Follow All related (46) ✓ Request Ⓡ Details 02 G More Recommended ✓ Works at Ornithology. 7y The bird explodes like BOOOOOOOM and sticky bird viscera and feathers are smeared all over everything for miles around. It's frothy man. OK... the real answer. Birds don't eat alka selytzer Upvote 13 X

(Source: Reddit)

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