13 Attention Seekers We Can All Scoff At
Now that everyone in the modern era is constantly on the internet, it truly is a wonderful time to embellish our lives on social media. Except, some take this activity just a little bit too far to gain attention. Like, way too far. You wouldn't believe how awkward these made-up stories are. They very obviously did not happen, and yet someone thought we'd fall for them and give them some fake internet points.
From toddlers explaining the meaning of life to any story that ends with "and everyone clapped," we're never going to believe any of this. It's all a scheme to fool others. Did it work? Sometimes, somehow, it does. But these people's stories were so bad they wound up being called out for them, and there's just no way to wrap our minds around what was going through these posters' minds. While some are gullible enough to believe them, enough people on the subreddit /r/ThatHappened called BS on these claims, and thankfully documented these posts. Here are 13 of our favorites.