14 Of The Dumbest Questions Ever Submitted to Yahoo! Answers
Usually when one has a burning question, they tend to privately ask Google, and instantly receive an answer. For whatever reason, the following people chose to go the Yahoo! Answers route, and publicly posted their questions for an entire community to respond to. Usually, these are simple questions that shouldn't be asked out loud, but sometimes they're so idiotic we can't help but laugh at these people.
No normal person actively posts on Yahoo! Answers, so we're often blessed with some wildly unusual questions about life as an idiot in 2022. Most of the time, these questions are harmless, while others, such as the ones listed below, are downright awful. Somehow, we're members of the same species as these fellow humans, and yet we can't wrap our minds around why anyone would ever post these things. Here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/YahooAnswers to show you that there is definitely such a thing as a "stupid question."