a collection of some of the wildest questions submitted to Yahoo! Answers photos are of someone asking if Obama is real and another person inquiring where they can purchase a frog for nonsexual reasons

14 Of The Dumbest Questions Ever Submitted to Yahoo! Answers

Usually when one has a burning question, they tend to privately ask Google, and instantly receive an answer. For whatever reason, the following people chose to go the Yahoo! Answers route, and publicly posted their questions for an entire community to respond to. Usually, these are simple questions that shouldn't be asked out loud, but sometimes they're so idiotic we can't help but laugh at these people.

No normal person actively posts on Yahoo! Answers, so we're often blessed with some wildly unusual questions about life as an idiot in 2022. Most of the time, these questions are harmless, while others, such as the ones listed below, are downright awful. Somehow, we're members of the same species as these fellow humans, and yet we can't wrap our minds around why anyone would ever post these things. Here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/YahooAnswers to show you that there is definitely such a thing as a "stupid question."

Not At All

YAHOO! ANSWERS If you die in Canada do you die in real life? 58 answers 路 Other - Society & Culture

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not Easy Being Green

Are Russian people white people? retired old sarge Lv 7 3 days ago NO... they are green. 1 12 1 2 ||

(Source: Reddit)

In Some States, Probably

= yahoo!answers Q + Ziq asked in Politics & Government > Law & Ethics 路 2 days ago can a spider legally own a gun? +Answer A Save 54 Answers Relevance v GoldLollipop 14 hours ago Are you an idiot? 4

(Source: Reddit)

Certainly None Of These Are From IKEA

yahoo!answers n Q + Help, I keep accidentally building shelves,l CAN'T STOP!!!!? I try to make a sandwich BOOM shelf I try to read a book BOOM shelf I try to drink orange juice BOOM shelf I try to write this description BOOM shelf I've already built 300 shelves in the past 4 days HELP!

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe The Ouija Board Will Help You Spell Next Time

It the wija i real game? Wija game

(Source: Reddit)

This Olympian

= yahoo!answers funkle asked in Food & Drink > Other - Food & Drink 路 2 days ago i just ate 107 bagel bites, will i die in my sleep? my record was 6 at once before this + Answer A Save

(Source: Reddit)

Who Doesn't?

ll AT&T LTE 9:04 PM @ 1 37% O ca.answers.yahoo.com = yahoo!answers Anonymous asked in Entertainment & Music > Polls & Surveys路 13 mins ago Do you cuddle in bed with your car? Answer Save 5 Answers Relevance v Tut Uncommon: 3peat Offender Lv 7 2 mins ago I get some weird looks from the neighbors when I drive it upstairs. They don't understand, but they don't have to. Save Time, Trouble and 5%*.

(Source: Reddit)

Absolutely It Is

yahoo!answers Is the movie "Surfs up" based on a true story? I love this movie and just want to know if its s true story!

(Source: Reddit)

Invade The U.S. Already

why can't the US join the Eu- ropean Union? Mark 2 hours ago Good question.. ||

(Source: Reddit)

Grateful For This Update

= yahoo!answers + Anonymous asked in Pets > Birds 路 6 years ago Are eggs real? I think eggs look really suspicious and I think they are fake. Can someone please tell me if there is a such thing as an egg? Update: edit: some of you are suggesting that eggs are in fact real and I have done my research and would like to inform you that you a wrong eggs are not real.

(Source: Reddit)

What's Wrong With Turkey Sandwiches?

= yahoo!answers Q + Anonymous asked in Entertainment & Music > Music > Rap and Hip-Hop 路 6 years ago Is dubstep real? Like can i mi- crowave it? It sound like turkey sandwich?

(Source: Reddit)

Hope This Cat Is 20

syv asked in Pets > Cats 23 hours ago Is it weird that my cat is older than the love of my life? Please help me Answer A Save

(Source: Reddit)


Do soda calories count? When counting calories do you count soft drinks? l've heard both yes and no? Follow 24 answers Answers Relevance v Not if you dont count them dummy 15 hours ago 15 5 commentsN

(Source: Reddit)

We Need More Proof!

ll AT&T LTE 1:54 PM @ 1 51% answers.yahoo.com = yahoo!answers Q + Giorno asked in Politics & Government > Politics 5 mins ago If Obama is real, where's the proof? Answer Save 7 Answers Relevance v Mike Lv 7 26 secs agO His 10 trillion debt He he left Govt. Program Cuts $350/Mo Off Your Hou... If you owe less than $314,827 on your home ... Ad S: Lower My Bills

(Source: Reddit)

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