13 Introverted Memes For Everyone Who Needs Some Alone Time This Weekend

Introverts all tend to be pretty similar. It's not that we don't like people, or that we don't want to hang out with our friends once in a while. It's just that sitting home alone and doing literally nothing seems like a fun way to spend a night. Right now, you're probably just scrolling through these memes on your phone while the TV drones on in the background, and you're halfway torn between the two lazy activities.
For us introverts, this is considered a fun night. We all aspire to get home from work early enough to dissociate for the rest of the day. It's the introvert dream. So enjoy your time scrolling through these memes instead of going out partying. You can claim you're shut in because your car's getting fixed or you're not feeling too good, even though we know those excuses aren't true. But we're not judging you, obviously; this is what memes are for. Take a look at some of our favorites that embody the experiences of all introverts.