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15 Karens With Too Much To Say On Social Media

Two Karens in the following collection.
Two Karens in the following collection.

Published November 02, 2022

Published November 02, 2022

Few things are more annoying than Karens. Karens enjoy causing pain to others, and we're not really sure why. They're just so offended by everything anyone does, especially things far out of the control of retail and customer service workers. They've become so widespread in the past few years that we've got no possible way to avoid them, and whether you're familiar with encountering them or not, we can all appreciate a truly awful image showing a Karen misbehaving.

We've selected some of the latest Karens who have spread all over social media for their ridiculous reviews, comments and social media posts. Their bad behavior will be forever immortalized, as it should be, because no one in real life seems to approve of punishing these people for acting out, and they get away with pretty much everything because "the customer is always right." Here are some of the worst Karens from recent days.


I Could Never Work Here

What happens if you have an emergency? Do you get fired?

What Is She Even Talking About?

1 Star for Not Giving Her Free Food

Why do social media "influencers" think they're entitled to free things? She didn't even ask for it, either, she just expected it and dragged the restaurant for not giving away free things.

Does This Count?

“I Write Sins, Not Tragedies”

Are You Kidding Me?

Worse Than Harambe

There's a good chance this is fake, but here's a parent who claims the zoo is responsible for caring for children. If this is true, how did this happen?

Karen Supports Local Businesses

Yeah, very supportive. If you didn't want them, maybe don't buy them?

Shamed with Emojis

Calling the Cops over Firewood

This Karen is clearly proud of their accomplishment, and she seems to find it pretty funny.

Mother Karen

Reduced Wages If a Cell Phone Is Sighted

I don't think this is allowed by any labor laws, but this manager clearly has a major problem with cell phones.

Based Target

Karen Blames Firetrucks for Internet Problems

Tags: karen, karens, karen memes, funny, reddit, karens in the wild, collections,

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