
14 Literature Memes Even People Who Haven't Read A Book In Years Can Laugh At

Two literature memes in the following collection.
Two literature memes in the following collection.

Published August 05, 2021

Published August 05, 2021

It’s probably been a long time since you’ve cracked open a book. We're not blaming you … it's not everyone's favorite activity after all. Additionally, being forced to read nonsensical classics in school takes its toll on any preexisting love of reading you may have had. But that doesn't mean we don't get the jokes in old books anymore.

Whether you love them or hate them, the classics give us some great things to make fun of. And even though it's been years since you've read a book from start to finish, you can still take part in these, since some of these memories you'll never be able to drown out with TV and procrastination. On days when you’re feeling a little less productive than you should be, pretend you’re still part of the small percentage of society that reads. Here are some of the best memes from popular literature to make you feel like you’re in on the joke.

You've Been Warned

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers

(Source: Reddit)

Down the Rabbit Hole

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Victor

(Source: Reddit)

Well, That's Not Promising

(Source: Reddit)

War and Peace

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Is it Green Yet?

(Source: Reddit)

They're All the Same

(Source: Reddit)

We're Not So Different

(Source: Reddit)

Wuthering Heights

(Source: Reddit)

Russian Novels

(Source: Reddit)

Jonathan Swift in A Modest Proposal

(Source: Reddit)

Let's Just Not Talk About the Show

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: lit memes, memes, school, books, niche, niche memes, book memes, literature memes, english, collections, funny, humor,