Two DnD memes in the following collection.

15 Memes For Everyone Who Loves 'Dungeons And Dragons'

Dungeons and Dragons is an absurdly popular game nowadays. In many ways, it's a lot more popular than it used to be. Ever since the pandemic started, people have been finding new ways to interact with friends virtually, and it turns out that DnD translates very well into a digital game over video calls. It's also a way to act nerdy in a somewhat socially acceptable setting, and people love that about it, too.

The popular roleplaying game has been around since long before many of us were born. And now it's become so widespread that it's evolved into countless different forms of media, from long videos of other peoples' campaigns to countless print books about the DnD universe to the many memes inspired by the game. We've chosen some of the best new ones for other DnD players to enjoy.

Kids Are Weird

DnD Sesame Tweet @DnDSesame Playing DND with 9 year olds comes in two flavors : 1. Trying to find ways to resolve things and make the Zombie our friend 2. Doing things that are recognized as war crimes

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes it's both in the same game, which is even more confusing.

Much Better

"In my character's backstory, they've already felled armies, slain gods, and saved the universe" "OF COURSE, NONE OF THAT HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED; THEY'VE JUST RECENTLY ESCAPED A MENTAL ASYLUM"

(Source: Reddit)

The first one is a good way to make all other DnD players in the campaign hate you.

You Get What You Deserve I try to use heat metal on the bones of enemies since calcium is a metal Rust monsters rust away my bones the next combat DM allows it Rust monsters rust away my bones the next combat

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst Feeling

LEVELS OF PAIN Slap Kicked in ܐܢ Child birth Campaign Ends Because DM Doesn't Feel like It

(Source: Reddit)

This Image Is Extremely Confusing

DM: Ok, that's... 56 damage to you, and I believe it's your initiative. Our Paladin with 1HP, great cleave, and targets in every square around him: God has allowed me to live another day and I'm about to make it evervone's problem.

(Source: Reddit)

I don't know what this meme is exactly, but looking at it makes me very uncomfortable.

Might As Well Try

When the conjured creature doesn't perfectly match the terrain but the DM wants to see what happens next.

(Source: Reddit)

I mean, why not?

How Is It Not Obvious?

The Party: So far working with this faction worked out for us and their claims sound legit, we should totally join them The only party member who has a positive Insight modifier: U.S. US BOECIAL OPERATION They literally call themselves "Decepticons." That doesn't set off any red flags?

(Source: Reddit)

I Guess That Works

"You can use Create or Destroy water to [broken thing the spell can't do]" "You can use Create or Destroy water on a bucket of seawater to get free salt"

(Source: Reddit)

Makes Perfect Sense

DnD Sesame Tweet @DnDSesame "are you coming?" "I can't my dice are still charging" 6 L 2 8 ...

(Source: Reddit)

A Conversation Someone Overheard in DnD

Right, so I know we've discussed this a thousand times but I suddenly feel the urge to go over the boss' plan again... What player's expect to hear while listening at a door So, Mork, what's the secret ingredient in the casserole you left at my bunk? Love What my players hear

(Source: Reddit)

Close Enough

New DMs writing house rules to a game they've never played: ARY I ........ www.p ... www... MIT PAZA TAR TAKO TAK ZIIP

(Source: Reddit)

Happens Too Often

(Source: Reddit)

Busy Work

Paul Garrison @GGDMPaul Boss makes a dollar I make a dime That's why I think about dungeons and dragons plots and world building on company time 4:58 PM Oct 5, 2022 Twitter for iPhone 1,611 Retweets 59 Quote Tweets 14.1K Likes :

(Source: Reddit)

Well That's Unfortunate

Fiend Warlock DU We can't fight him, he's too dangerous! Warlock Not a paladin, Paladine! Rest of the evil Party What's the matter? We only need to beat a Paladin. O

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, This Makes Perfect Sense

Using Critical Fumble tables be like: Aging farmer with a stick 7 "I have a 5% chance of screwingup" "I dropped my sword again" 20th level fighter with a +3 weapon

(Source: Reddit)

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