
14 Memes From Your Hydro Homies To Keep You Hydrated

Two images from r/hydrohomies
Two images from r/hydrohomies

Published October 03, 2023

Published October 03, 2023

People are made up of over 70% water. That alone makes it important to make sure you're drinking enough of it. The effects of dehydration are obvious and cruel. Keeping up your water intake helps prevent headaches, fatigue, having that gross dry mouth feeling and more. It's what keeps everyone alive. Even though it seems like a simple thing, it can be easy to forget to drink the right amount per day. But for that, the Hydro Homies are here.

Hydro Homies are the people who are the biggest fans of water, and spread the message to drink more of it every single day through memes containing water and tempting pictures of water. If you don't have one already, these 14 memes from Reddit's /r/hydrohomies will inspire you to go out and get your own reusable water bottle. Not only will it help remind you to drink, but it's also an excuse to leave any social setting to "refill" it.

It's All I Need

(Source: Reddit)

Not Approved

(Source: Reddit)

Do It

(Source: Reddit)

Nature Is Healing

(Source: Reddit)

Accurate, TBH

(Source: Reddit)

Water Only

(Source: Reddit)

A Little Dehydrated

(Source: Reddit)

True Hydro Homie

(Source: Reddit)

Get Those Numbers Up

(Source: Reddit)

Forbidden Water

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Down With Nestle

(Source: Reddit)

Anything Else Please

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: water, memes, anime, reddit, art, frog, pokemon, nestle, collections,