Two distressing memes

15 Memes That Are Unreasonably Distressing

Not all memes come from a good, wholesome place. Not all memes come from a particularly funny place, either. While most memes are meant to entertain in a generally positive and amusing way, the following memes absolutely aren't. They're certainly entertaining, but in more of a shocking, uncomfortable way. They're known as distressing memes, and they're both awful and incredibly hard to look away from. They tap into collective fears we all share while often playing into a particularly disturbing narrative, one that might stick with you for a while after you see it.

A good distressing meme might leave you questioning an unfortunate historical incident, your feeling of safety in your own home, or reality itself. They're growing in popularity online, and since everyone subconsciously likes to feel a little scared, it's clear why they're gaining such a following. These are some of our favorite times a meme went a little too far in the wrong direction and entered distressing territory.

Living Statue

you acquire the ability to stop time you realize you're by snapping your fingers not immune made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Sad Day

You bring home a baby chimpanzee You raise him for well over a decade the best you can He ignores your pleas one day when your friend comes to visit You dialed 911 but it was too late

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not Fair

Me as a disembodied spirit watching as my 4 killers only get 17 years max even though they bragged about torturing me for 44 days

(Source: Reddit)

What's He Smiling About?

When that dog I don't own is still in my yard after an hour and hasn't averted it's gaze once Nis 1894 ANY REN

(Source: Reddit)

It's Too Late to Find High Ground

boy nothing beats a relaxing day on a Pacific beach

(Source: Reddit)

Wish They'd Checked the Bunker

Tfw when there was a ballistic missile alert, and you get in your bunker with five years of supplies, but your family wasnt home, so you dont know if they are alive or not, and after five years you exit the bunker to see the world the same as you left it, but your family assumed you dead (the alert was a prank, and you lost five years of your life because of it) T Lid

(Source: Reddit)

Rookie Mistake

You buy a new paintbal gun You decide to shoot it at a wasp nest to destroy it The wasps fly through your neighbor's open window and violently attack him The neighbor dies from the wasp venom, and you get arrested for manslaughter. You are denied bail. C

(Source: Reddit)

Common Tragedy

bored bus driver texting kid whose smile lights up a room

(Source: Reddit)


As an immortal, you aren't scared of messing with the cartel. They chain you to a chair and toss you into the asphalt pit.

(Source: Reddit)


This book is horrifying Rocco ALL TOMORROWS chazmuco How can someone be so cruel?

(Source: Reddit)


After half an hour of chase, the suspect finally pulls out of the car and runs into a house. You and your squad head in, and when you see him leaning out from behind a door, assault rifle in hand, you quickly fire, putting the suspect down. Shortly after, you hear a bedroom door open and a boy calling "Dad?"

(Source: Reddit)

Not Again

when I finally die after months of torture by the enemy only to wake up to some one saying "It worked!" KAPWING

(Source: Reddit)


zombie fans when a zombie apocalypse finally starts but instead of being an instantaneous overnight disaster it's an exponentially-building plague that destroys society and everything they know and love over the course of several weeks:

(Source: Reddit)

Be Careful with Riptides

You get to experience the ocean for the first time This is pretty fun, you can fully submerge and swim freely You cant touch the ground anymore You stick your head out of the water to see the mountains of the shoreline are foggy and farther away than you remember Everything you see is just flat and blue now, the sun beats down on your head and you realize this is how you die

(Source: Reddit)

Be Careful Who You Talk To

You meet a young man in the woods You tell the young man your name He vanishes in a puff of mist You can no longer remember your name When you attempt to leave the woods, you find you can no longer escape &

(Source: Reddit)

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