a collection of cat memes images are of cat just waking up and another regretting ordering chinese takeout

15 Of The Most Relatable Cats We've Ever Seen

While many continue to debate whether dogs or cats are the superior pet, everyone can pretty much agree that both pets make the best subjects for memes. There's something so wholesome about our favorite pets acting cute or relatable and being made into a funny meme that it's basically the oldest form of humor ever witnessed online.

Cats have been the gods of the online community since its creation, like they were back in ancient Egypt. Some of the best memes we've ever seen feature cats as their protagonists (or antagonists), and anyone who's ever owned a cat can definitely agree with the points being made in them. Whether they're regretting the amount of food they've ordered or spying on their nosy neighbors, these cats are some of the most relatable animals in the world. Here are 15 of our favorites, collected from the subreddit /r/Meow_Irl. Now, if only someone would tell them to stop waking us up at 3 AM.

Please Just Let Someone Take This Photo For You

Divorced men after 40 on dating apps:

(Source: Reddit)

Morning Mantras

awake but at what cost

(Source: Reddit)

Now That's Friendship

Butters bought me a chicken wing from outside. It's still warm. WHERE DID YOU GET THIS

(Source: Reddit)

What A Great Home


(Source: Reddit)

Also Everyone Since Quarantine

me in november vs me in december

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Creatures

Let's talk about the real victims of social media culture @tank.sinatra

(Source: Reddit)

Good Morning

*Me, sleeping peacefully* My cat at 3 a.m.:

(Source: Reddit)

The Anguish


(Source: Reddit)

Wish I Could Take This Class

If you have any questions just say "pispispis" and l'll come to you LArépoque, je n'étais pas en bonne sam de courage at je trouvais ma vie peu interessante. Mantenant, je muisenmeillemusonti, 2 Arépoque, nous avions une denoture peu confortable, elle consomm tcoup d'essence et elle x roul X 3. Arépoque, cet homme n'avait pas une bonne qualité de vie il sortait beaucoup, buvait beaucoup et voyait des gens peu seried ST

(Source: Reddit)

What Else Is There To Do?

My mother in law's cat sits on the post like this and judges the neighbours boredpanda.com

(Source: Reddit)


I sprained my ankle, so my cat decided to elevate her paws in solidarity

(Source: Reddit)


Me getting ready for the outing i said yes to

(Source: Reddit)

Give Him A Modeling Contract

homeboy did NOT have to flex that hard in that 3rd picture Cicibu @bujibu_chempel · 3d Ada festival ke

(Source: Reddit)

That's One Way To Celebrate

When the Chinese takeout gave you three forks because you ordered so much but it's all for you LOVE

(Source: Reddit)

I WaS hAcKeD

HR showing me all my posts about how much I hate my job @jesuscommajamal

(Source: Reddit)

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