Two relatable memes from the following collection.

15 Of The Most Relatable Memes To Remind You You're Not The Only One Still Suffering In 2023

Memes have a way of bringing us together, but memes intended for millions of people to relate to them do the job even better. It's 2022, life is still falling apart due to the pandemic, and we've all wasted our time on gaming instead of doing work. None of us are feeling very social, though we wish we could be, and we've already ordered takeout three times this week despite swearing we'd stick to our budget.

In a way, we've all been living the exact same lives, and though we pretend we're all different from one another, it honestly doesn't feel like it anymore, especially when memes like this so blatantly call us out. But when you're feeling alone and life's beating you up, it's good to know that other people are suffering through the exact same struggles. While you procrastinate on your next task, here are some of the best recent memes you'll definitely relate to.


Emily Murnane @emily_murnane I finally got on health insurance!! It's only $540 a month and I got to pay $120 for a doctor to tell me my weird mole was probably fine!! Only $5000 to go before I hit my deductable!!

(Source: Reddit)

They're Judging You

When the Chinese takeout gave you three forks because you ordered so much but it's all for you LOVE

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sorry Mom

Me not saying anything to prevent her from getting angrier My mom yelling at me for no reason:

(Source: Reddit)

The Boss

The boss when NO you fight him Y OF THE ENT The boss when you unlock STATES him as a playable character UNITED

(Source: Reddit)

Old Songs on the Playlist

removing a song that I don't like anymore from my playlist skipping it every time it starts playing UwU

(Source: Reddit)


Me having a bunch of assignments due Waiting until the last minute to do it Complaining that I have too much work made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

A Relatable Bird

This dude is me in bird form

(Source: Reddit)

For All the Redditors Out There

When reddit says there's a comment on a post but it only says, "Wow, such empty" All right, then. Keep your secrets.

(Source: Reddit)

Starting a New Job

Joining a new company with the rest of the employees dying inside be like

(Source: Reddit)


Easy Getting a girl friend Normal Hard Easy Getting a girlfriend Normal Hard

(Source: Reddt)

It Takes Way Too Long

When you restart your PC instead of Shuting it down It's been 84 years... made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst Feeling



I Never Even Started It

my teacher looking for the projectinever did me acting confused on where it went

(Source: Reddit)

Big Spoons Are the Worst

When all the small spoons are dirty so you have to use a big one I know what I have to do but I don't know made with memiJ have the strength to do it.

(Source: Reddit)


when the game has a black loading screen and I see my reflection in the monitor Seneg

(Source: Reddit)

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