15 Of This Week's Worst Memes Rotting In The Comedy Cemetery
Not all memes are created equal. Honestly, very few of them make us laugh — most don't even make us exhale through our noses, the true test of amusement from lazy meme connoisseurs. But amongst a sea of mediocrity, there are a few memes that stand out among the rest as the worst of the worst. Usually, they're horribly outdated, full of typos, and seem to rely on a form of humor that doesn't really exist outside of some particularly bad meme circles.
These memes are bereft of humor from either trying too hard or reposting to the point where the image itself has turned moldy. This is when they're sent to the comedy cemetery, where they die and rot in eternal torment. They're just so horrible that we had to preserve them as a warning to never make the same mistakes that these meme creators did. Here are some of our favorite "new" bad memes that died horribly.