
15 Off-Brand Products That Are Just Plain Wrong

a collection of terrible off-brand products images are of a Dr. Fish movie poster and an awful representation of Shrek characters
a collection of terrible off-brand products images are of a Dr. Fish movie poster and an awful representation of Shrek characters

Published September 01, 2020

Published September 01, 2020

Have you ever seen something that tries its hardest to be a specific product, but because of copyright, it can't use the same name, so it comes up with something way worse? Or have you ever seen a movie like Plan Bee or The Little Panda Fighter that was meant to look like some particularly famous films, but only for stressed-out parents who accidentally rented the wrong movie from Blockbuster? Well, apparently this is so common that every team behind an off-brand product thinks they can get away with it. And the results are…not great, to say the least.

Below are products currently being sold around the world that are marketed in a certain way to strictly avoid lawsuits. Thanks to Reddit, one can find all of the creative ways certain people around the world have attempted to make a profit off of brands without directly referencing them. As you will see, this almost always fails. Here are 15 of our favorites.

Does This One Blow Up?

(Source: Reddit)

What In The World Is This Supposed To Be?

(Source: Reddit)

Why Get The Switch When You Can Get The Smitch?

(Source: Reddit)

Which One Is Cheaper?

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Wait To Visit Drisney World

(Source: Reddit)

Dying To See This

(Source: Reddit)

DJ Khaled Was My Favorite Part Of Joker

(Source: Reddit)

No Thanks

(Source: Reddit)

Loving The Colors

(Source: Reddit)

Numbers! Letters!

(Source: Reddit)

Would Love To Hit This Up

(Source: Reddit)

My Favorite Character

(Source: Reddit)

Make Sure You Get The Vaccine Before You Play

(Source: Reddit)

When You Can't Decide Which Brand You Love More

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Not Okay

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/crappyoffbrands, samsung, baby yoda, nintendo switch, stranger things, halloween costumes, disney, high school musical, joker, snipers, airpods, sesame street, mcdonald's, dr. fish, monopoly, nkie, shrek, collections,