15 Posts That Prove Just How Old We Are
Do you ever feel old? We've all been there at some point, but sometimes we could all use a great reminder of how truly ancient we all are. And that's not necessarily bad, since we all grow old eventually, and all things considered, we're not that old. We can't say how close you are to that fate, but these images can remind you that you're taking a few steps closer every day. Isn't that a fun thought to keep in mind? No? Well, sorry about that. I wasn't hired for my optimism. I'm just here with some dark jokes about how many years have passed without us really taking note of it.
This is probably not how you want to finish your week, but we're here to unfortunately make you feel way older than you need to feel. The following images are filled with burned CDs, VHS tapes, and projectors from your former classrooms. Here are 15 of our favorite posts collected from people who really feel a lot older than they are P.S. Eminem is almost 50.