Two terrible life pro tips from the following collection.

15 Times People Shared Awful 'Life Pro Tips' Online

Have you ever been offered an odd life tip online? Some form of advice a random stranger insists you listen to? Have you listened? While some advice can be reasonable, other advice, like some of those ridiculous life hack videos you see online, are complete nonsense. Sometimes, it's worse than nonsense. It can be pretty funny to see what some people come up with, though, as long as you're not actually going to give these a shot. And before we go into some of the wildest tips we've seen online, please, we're begging you, just remember not to try something like this in reality.

We may have poor judgment sometimes, but we'd have to be pretty delusional to try any of these so-called "life pro tips." Whether it's a shower thought gone wrong or basically anything you see on Twitter, it's a good thing we (hopefully) know better than to take this advice seriously. These are some of the worst life pro tips that would make your life a lot more difficult.

Lowering Expectations

aleena @taxtherichh pro tip: if you got strict parents start rebelling young so you set and lower expectations otherwise you're gonna be 20 asking your mum if you can dye your hair

(Source: Reddit)

How To Save Money

Andrew Nadeau @TheAndrewNadeau Millennials, quit whining. I paid off $150,000 in student loans and own a $400,000 home, because I SAVE. It's not that hard. I |-Make coffee at home |-Bus instead of Uber -Shop sales -Had parents pay off my loans & buy me a house because l'm daddy's special boy |-Got Hulu with ads

(Source: Reddit)

Daylight Savings Tips

A GUIDE TO PUTTING YOUR CLOCKS BACK SMARTPHONE SUNDIAL Leave it alone, Move one house it does its magic to the left OVEN CAR RADIO You'll need a Not worth it, Masters in wait six months Electronic Engineering or a hammer

Cure Boredom with This One Simple Trick

aynrandy HD (hot diarrhoea) @AynRandy if you're bored you can simply close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind. it's free and the cops can't stop you

(Source: Reddit)

Good Reasoning

vicki @vickixlee_ just get that tattoo, your parents are already disappointed in you

(Source: Reddit)

Health Tip

health tip: force yourself to get up from your desk every 30 minutes by becoming a smoker 06:53 · 4/28/21 · Twitter Web App

(Source: Reddit)

How To Prepare Kale

YS @NYinLA2121 If you cook your kale with a little coconut oil it makes it easier to scrape it into the garbage. Follow me for more cooking tips. 2:18 PM Apr 8, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 588 Retweets 79 Quote Tweets 6,465 Likes

(Source: Reddit)

So Helpful

Bryan With a Why @doublewenis Don't embarrass a guy by telling him his fly is open in public. Just be a man, walk over there, and slowly zip it up for him.

(Source: Reddit)

Cut Down on Phone Time

Sara K. Runnels @omgskr Pro-tip: Getting 8 hours of sleep can help cut your phone time down to just 16 hours a day

(Source: Reddit)

A Job Hunting Tip

Dr. Mike P. Moffatt l V V ... @MikePMoffatt Free tip for job hunters: When the Census comes, tell them 125,000 people live in your home. Based on that population, your place will become its own electoral district and you can elect yourself to Parliament.

(Source: Reddt)

Free Doritos

Life hack: If someone offers you some Doritos, sneeze into the bag and they'll just let you have them all.

(Source: Reddit)

Slapping Your Boss

If you glue a dead wasp to your palm, you can smack your boss on the back of the head as hard as you want and act like you saved him.

(Source: Reddit)

A Tip for Nature Lovers

Did You Know: Nut ButtER Applying Peanut Butter To Your Hair And Laying In The Grass Is Guaranteed To Increase Your Interaction With Wildlife by 90% @Zootghost

(Source: Reddit)

Be Remembered for Generations

If you die and get cremated, you can be put into an hourglass and still be included in family game night X

(Source: Reddit)

Beating the System

: Anonymous Who else here beat the system? 01/04/21(Mon)20:48:58 No.61714257 >be me >turn 18 last summer >start getting credit card offers in the mail >get every card I possibly can, Visa, AmEx, all the big ones >get cards for specific gas station 73 KB JPG chains, stores, phone providers, all that >end up with about 15 cards total, max them all out >recent purchases include a PS5 and a new TV >have about $25k in debt across all the cards >don't pay any monthly bills >get late notices, tons of fees added on, debt just grows and grows without me even spending anymore >seems like a big deal accept for one small detail >notice all the cards have an expiration date >just have to wait it out until they expire, then the debt evaporates and it's like it never happened >sorry visa, I was just playing the game you created

(Source: Reddit)

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