13 Very Literal Memes From Reddit's 'Bone Hurting Juice'

Bone hurting juice is an old online joke that eventually evolved into a trend that produces content that's weird and has no inherent value other than to make you reevaluate the way you've been looking at these formats for years. While fans insist they're very different from anti-memes, bone hurting juice creations are essentially the same concept. They involve flipping a joke backwards or making it mean something completely different, for no reason other than to confuse the viewer.
These have become so popular an entire subreddit is devoted to them, /r/bonehurtingjuice, which currently has over 854,000 members who seem to enjoy this cryptic and distorted form of content. Is it good? Not particularly, but it's not bad either. It simply exists, and we love to watch our sense of humor fall apart so beautifully. Whether you love them or hate them, you're here now, so get ready for 15 of the most popular memes from /r/bonehurtingjuice on Reddit.