
16 Doge Memes That Blur The Line Between Satire And Cringe

Two Dogelore memes in the following collection.
Two Dogelore memes in the following collection.

Published June 23, 2021

Published June 23, 2021

Doge has seen a surge in popularity recently, particularly after the endless pushing of Dogecoin investors and the sale of the original Doge NFT. The original Doge Kabosu has passed away recently as well.

This has led to a rise in interest towards Dogelore, which consists of memes that weave together an extended universe between Doge and his companions, such as Cheems. Interestingly, it's hard to tell when the memes are ironic or genuine. These are some of the best examples to leave you wondering about the true intentions behind Doge's creations.

Dark Mode

(Source: Reddit)

Heinous Crimes

(Source: Reddit)

Work Skills

(Source: Reddit)

Shower Thoughts

(Source: Reddit)

Take That, Haters

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Twitter

(Source: Reddit)

Angry Doge

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Still Not Over the Library of Alexandria

(Source: Reddit)

Nerd Culture Summarized

(Source: Reddit)

Just a Paper

(Source: Reddit)

What a Wonderful World

(Source: Reddit)

Clarifying Butter

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Binary Star System

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

An Absurdly High-Quality Meme

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: doge, dogecoin, dogelore, cringe, cringeworthy, satire, cheems, swole doge, ironic, ironic doge memes, memes, dogs, doge nft, nft, crypto, collections, r/dogelore,

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