16 Starter Packs Sharing Undeniable Universal Truths

We're not all so different. All of us have experienced the same things, though we often don't realize just how similar our lives have been. Starter packs are a great reminder that we're all in this together. Every time you ate too many of those specific frosted sugar cookies in the store or noticed the questionable decor choices at your local Applebees, we all did too.
Starter packs observe the world around us and put the things we all notice into the form of an image, and somehow we're all drawn to the same conclusions. It's pretty impressive how accurate these can be and how we all agree with them so much, despite all of us growing up in very different environments. It turns out we're all pretty much the same people. Here are some of our favorite starter packs to prove you're not the only one who's gone through the same universal trials of life.