18 Gamers Displaying Their Rage (Or Stupidity) Over The Launch Of The Xbox Series X And PS5
Once again we find ourselves in the midst of a console release. Surely the troubles of previous console releases have all been fixed right? No more supply issues, long lines, consoles failing at start, scalping or other related troubles, guaranteed! Unfortunately, that's just not how it is. The war being fought over this has become truly wild and unpredictable, and we're pretty sure most of us will be unable to get the consoles we so desperately desire, though we can't even explain why we're so motivated to have them in the first place.
For consumers who were unable to pre-order or grab a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X at launch, it's looking dire for being able to get one before next year. For those finding themselves without a console after several attempts, these are the memes for you. For those that did manage to get one of these consoles, why are you vaping inside it?