Two terrible life pro tips in the following collection.

18 Terrible 'Life Pro Tips' That We Can't Say We Recommend

Just FYI: you should not be taking this article seriously at all. We're not here to deal with the legal repercussions of you trying these things, because anyone with common sense wouldn't do them. These are meant to be funny, and not any actual advice you should take seriously. Hopefully, you can understand satire. You've been warned. I don't want to see any comments about people pressing charges against you for these, because you should know better, and we're just here to remind you that there are always bad ideas out there that aren't worth doing, but rather are just worth laughing at.

"Life pro tips" are hacks to make existence easier, but if you listen to these 20 examples found in the wild, chances are your life is about to get a lot more difficult. From Reddit, Twitter and beyond, here are some of the best of the worst life pro tips that we definitely don't recommend, and we claim no legal responsibilities if you're dumb enough to listen to them.

Works Every Time

Pro Tip Keep cake moist by eating it all in one-sitting.

(Source: Reddit)

How to Get the Last Laugh

dana bad @baddanadan... 5h ยทโ€ฆ my parents said mean things about my weight when i was a kid so i developed a life threatening eating disorder that cost them tens of thousands of dollars in treatment and they never commented on my body again gottem! 64 27 328 12.9K

(Source: Reddit)

Just Don't Do It

How to avoid stress at school 1) don't go to school MEMES

(Source: Reddit)

How to Lose Weight Quickly

shenanigans @ahsanwise Y'all struggling to lose weight? Put yourself through stress and emotional trauma. Weight fluctuations guaranteed with a chance of weight loss. gl #BadAdvice #TechnicallyTheTruth

(Source: Reddit)

Help Out Your Coworker

brayden bauer // @im_your_density if you ask a coworker "how are you" and they say "well, im here" that loosely translates to "i need you to push me off the roof. we can make it look like an accident. if i die, im finally free. if i live, we'll sue this place and split the money. please help

(Source: Reddit)

How to Exit a Conversation


(Source: Reddit)

How to Be a Better Writer

Delia Cai @delia_cai everyone who is a writer should get into running bc it's important to have at least one hobby you hate even more than writing <>

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Pay for the Parts You Don't Eat

(Source: Reddit)

Injure Yourself for Longer Breaks

Reddit virgin 42069 @NicolaF61622735 Cut my thumb pretty deep at work and couldn't stop the bleeding, ended up turning my 15 min break into a 2 hour break

(Source: Reddit)

How to Save on Electricity

preter @petwerp2 living alone has taught me the importance of unplugging the fridge beforei go to bed to save on electricity. nice little life hack i thought i'd share. make sure to reply with your thoughts on this, thanks, -peter ...

(Source: Reddit)

Fall in the Street

Shower Feelings A @feelings_shower A good way to find out if youre truly old is to fall in the street. If people laugh, you're still young. If they rush to help you, you're old.

(Source: Reddit)

Marriage Hack

If you're worried about being left at the altar just get married in a hot air balloon. It's either you or jump

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Communication Is Key

If you ever get locked out accidentally, talk to the door's lock calmly, because communication is key.

(Source: Reddit)

No Need to Wash Them Afterwards Either

Can't find your cats pooper scooper? wiki How Use your kitchen tongs or a fryer strainer!

(Source: Reddit)

How to Get Free Peas

If u want free pees then go to Asda fall and hurt your arm and go to costumer services and ask for a ice pack and they will give u free pees :)

(Source: Reddit)

How to Use a Netflix Account for Free

23 You Retweeted bruh @yellowgengar2 ยท 4h My brothers ex had been stealing our Netflix for the past two months now by disguising her account as "settings" and honestly I ain't even mad. I'm just really disappointed in myself for actually believing that an account named "settings" would legitimately be Netflix settings +. est Nomar Settings Add Profile

(Source: Reddit)

How to Get a Job

and 2 others liked @de. Tomorrow Just wake up, wear your formal clothes, go to any company and start working. If they call the police, go to the police station and start working there too. We're tired of sending CVs

(Source: Reddit)

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