20 Embarrassing Kids We're Thankful We Can't Relate To | Know Your Meme
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20 Embarrassing Kids We're Thankful We Can't Relate To

Two images of stupid kids in the following collection.
Two images of stupid kids in the following collection.
By Rebecca Rhodes

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

Whether you're a frustrated parent or simply a former child existing on social media, we've all seen these sorts of awkward interactions in the world of childhood. Fortunately, most of us didn't mess up as badly as they did, and the internet isn't going to make fun of us forever. These kids weren't as lucky. But while we may roast these kids as they grow up so they never forget what they've done, we also can't help but find this dumb kid behavior a little endearing.

Some people love kids and some people hate them, but we can all agree that kids are really stupid and embarrass us grown-ups all the time. If you're wondering whether or not to have children, maybe this will make your mind up one way or another, since we've gathered the dumbest things kids have done as reported by many different former children online. They may grow up, but they'll never outgrow the awkwardness surrounding these stories. Here are some of the best confessions, tweets, photographs and more capturing adolescent stupidity in the wild.

Feeding the Dust Mites

(Source: Reddit)

Birthday Drama

(Source: Reddit)

What a Way to Waste Time

(Source: Reddit)

Whiskey on the Blocks

(Source: Reddit)

Clogged Drain

(Source: Reddit)

Water's Running

(Source: Reddit)

Mashed Raw Potatoes

(Source: Reddit)

The Class Responses to "What City Were You Born in?"

(Source: Reddit)

Civil War Cassettes

(Source: Reddit)

Hot Chocolate

(Source: Reddit)

The Robot Phase

(Source: Reddit)

Hiccup Cheese

(Source: Reddit)

For Fuzzy and Wuzzy

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds Painful

(Source: Reddit)

Life at 40

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Who Doesn't Like Pizza?

(Source: Reddit)

It Seems Like He Likes His Fur Coat

(Source: Reddit)

Big Mystery

Exposing Scott

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: kids children kids being stupid stupid dumb dumb kids funny twitter wholesome gonna tell my kids tweets collections