19 Images That Are A Blast From The Past

Nostalgia is a lot like a time machine that transports you back to the good old days, when everything was simpler and more innocent. It's the rush of memories that floods your mind when you stumble upon an old photo album or a dusty box of treasures from your youth. Nostalgia is like a comforting hug from your past self, reminding you of the joys and adventures that have brought you to where you are today.
Nostalgia can be triggered by just about anything — games, T.V. shows, stores, food, and more. There is no shame in what old memory or collectible triggers that feeling for you. But there are some major universal things that create the feeling for groups of people. Images containing some highly-concentrated '90s nostalgia are especially iconic. Seeing how far technology has come since then and what we found mind-blowing at the time is so sweet. If you're part of that special group, here are 19 photos that may just cause a wave of nostalgia straight to your heart.