
13 Memes About Philosophy For These Uncertain Times

2 memes about philosophy from the collection.
2 memes about philosophy from the collection.

Published March 15, 2021

Published March 15, 2021

Philosophy is the study of ideas and meaning, taking them completely seriously so they can be better understood. You can't get memes without both ideas and meaning, and that means it's really easy to make jokes about the complicated, highly technical and not very comprehensible ways ideas are discussed. It's easy to think about an idea like the Ship of Theseus or the Trolley Problem, it's harder to take it so seriously without making jokes about it, as we've covered below.

Thought Experiments, The Power Of Ideas

(Source: Facebook)

Those Ideas Can Be Crazy Sometimes

(Source: Facebook)

Philosophy Can Leave You Fearful And Trembling

(Source: Facebook)

If You Get In, It's Hard To Get Out

(Source: Facebook)

It Can Seem So Simple

(Source: Facebook)

… Though Not As Many As It Might Seem

(Source: Facebook)

Debates, Not Fights

(Source: Facebook)

Those Debates Can Get Pretty Heated

(Source: Facebook)

Do You Really Understand The World?

(Source: Facebook)

Can We Really Ever Know?

(Source: Facebook)

Everything Moves With The Times

(Source: Facebook)

New Technologies Mean New Possibilities

(Source: Facebook)

Is It All For Nothing?

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: philosophy, memes, thought experiment, hegel, aristotle, plato, socrates, hellenistic, ship of theseus, trolley problem, collections, philosophical memes,