20 Of The Most Facepalm-Worthy Posts Online
Have you ever seen something so stupid you just want to slap the top of your forehead and facepalm? Of course you have. Well, you're in luck, because there's plenty more out there for you to experience this same feeling over and over again. Today, we've got a collection of pictures from the subreddit /r/facepalm that will make you do just that, from weird cancel culture tweets to celebrities charging $10,000 for a DM (and yes, you read that right, $10,000 for a DM), and to top it all off, some creative and very scientific solutions to humanity's biggest problems.
If that wasn't enough to make you facepalm, we've got a photo showing the cost of a heart transplant in the US, and let's just say you'll need more than a GoFundMe to cover that sort of bill. Have a laugh with us at some of these cringy and facepalm-worthy pictures we've collected from Redditors!
Hypocrisy at its best
(Source: Reddit)
Edits in textbook
(Source: Reddit)
A bit too far
(Source: Reddit)
Offensive letters
(Source: Reddit)
Hypocrisy Amongst Pro-Lifers
(Source: Reddit)
A 36-year-old grandma
(Source: Reddit)
Cost of a heart transplant in the US
(Source: Reddit)
Elon Musk gradually destroying Twitter
(Source: Reddit)
Hundreds of teabags all over the kitchen
(Source: Reddit)
"The magic of unintentional, spontaneous photoshoots"
(Source: Reddit)
Modern problems require modern solutions
(Source: Reddit)
If the pastor says so then it must be true
(Source: Reddit)
Good thing she caught it before the wedding
(Source: Reddit)
Yeah he's going to Heaven
(Source: Reddit)