
20 People Who Took Lying Too Far

Two images from r/thathappened
Two images from r/thathappened

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

One of the fun things about the internet is that you can be whoever you want to be on there. You can make as many profiles on as many different social media platforms as you want and create a whole new life for yourself. Is it ethical? Probably not. But for some people, it's all they have. Making others think that their lives are way more interesting and way more crazy than what they probably really are. If you are going to lie about crazy, miraculous stories on the internet, at least make them believable. The issue is when people go above and beyond with their stories and it is just plain obvious that that definitely did not happen.

Reddit's /r/thatHappened, which is a sarcastic name, is the place for the best fake stories the people of the internet have to offer to the world. A lot of them are super cringeworthy because of how fake they are, which is half the fun. Here are 20 stories that are totally real and absolutely believable for you to enjoy.

Then He Drove Away In His BMW

(Source: Reddit)

Sure It Was

(Source: Reddit)

That's So Crazy

(Source: Reddit)

Because That's Allowed

(Source: Reddit)

How Would You Do Tests?

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, What?

(Source: Reddit)

Watch Out Folks

(Source: Reddit)

It's The All Caps That Convinced Me

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely Real

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sure

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone Clapped

(Source: Reddit)

Did He Say That

(Source: Reddit)

Fruit Snack Lies

(Source: Reddit)

A Youth

(Source: Reddit)

They Were All Waiting

(Source: Reddit)

Classic Everyone Clapped

(Source: Reddit)

Then What Happened

(Source: Reddit)

No She Didn't

(Source: Reddit)

So Powerful

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: reddit, cringe, cringeworthy, memes, meme, that happened, thathappened, r/thathappened, stories, fake, fake stories, tiktok, twitter, collections,