
20 Relatable Memes From Other People Just Like You

Two images from r/me_IRL
Two images from r/me_IRL

Published July 13, 2023

Published July 13, 2023

Have you ever seen something, like a meme, for instance, and thought "Hey, I do that?" Well, that's what relatable memes are specifically designed to do to you. Relatable memes from Reddit's /r/meirl are made to perfectly describe and depict situations and emotions that you have likely been through. The term itself, me IRL, means "me, in real life," and it's for when the things that you see online transfer over into the things that you do offline.

Relatable memes are fun too because they make you feel a little more connected to everyone else in the world. Like the experiences that you think are so specific and tailored to you really aren't, and probably many other people have been in your spot. Here are 20 relatable memes from this week straight from Reddit's /r/me_IRL to help you feel a little less lonely this week. Share a few with your friends too, and see just how relatable you are to them.

That's How You Know

(Source: Reddit)

Regrettable Decision

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Wanna Talk About It

(Source: Reddit)

One Way to Deal With It

(Source: Reddit)

Wild Headline

(Source: Reddit)

You're Not

(Source: Reddit)

Now They're Built Different

(Source: Reddit)

Do It

(Source: Reddit)

My Constant State

(Source: Reddit)

That's The Goal

(Source: Reddit)

All by Myself

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Please Answer

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst

(Source: Reddit)

Still Winning

(Source: Reddit)

Let's Talk About That

(Source: Reddit)

Must Keep Going

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's All That Matters

(Source: Reddit)

Two Different Worlds

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: me irl, relatable memes, r/me_irl, wedding, relationships, twitter, mcdonalds, job, hoa, water, hydro homies, cats, bats, squids, pets, animals, cooking, baking, collections,

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