Two _Star Wars_ prequel memes from the following collection.

20 'Star Wars' Memes To Prove The Sequels Maybe Aren't All Bad

The Star Wars sequels have a bad reputation. Most memes involving the new trilogy revolve around what are typically perceived as flaws in the plot, but some of the best memes come from the movies themselves, similar to prequel memes. While sequel memes may never live up to prequel memes, there are still some great jokes to be found in the sequels, even though it's a pretty controversial opinion to suggest these movies had any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

But seriously, they're just movies, and it's not the end of the world if we don't like them. They can still be fun, right? Right? Please, don't come after me in the comments, I'm just trying to spread some positivity in this cold, loveless world. Even if you don't like the sequels, you can admit there's a lot to joke about when it comes to the last three movies. Here are some of our favorite sequel memes to make the final three movies more meaningful to fans.

Unlimited Pain

When you hit your pinky toe on the edge of the table attes

(Source: Reddit)

He's the Only Consistent One

John Williams Thave done nothing wrong, ever, in my life. Star Wars Fans I know this, and I love you.

(Source: Reddit)

Think, Rose

How is love gonna save us against a giant laser you have TO THINK, ROSE!

(Source: Reddit)

Product Placement

Who are you? I'm Rey Rey who? SWADOW LEENDS

(Source: Reddit)

Sleeping Is Overrated

Me: *Goes to bed to sleep* An embarrassing memory from years ago: Long have I waited

(Source: Reddit)

Totally Broken

Child me after falling Adult me after sleeping in a weird position down the stairs

(Source: Reddit)

Joe Mama

Time traveler: Hello i am from the future Me: wow is joe still alive? Time traveler: Who's joe ? Me: made with němativere not wise enough to resist the bait

(Source: Reddit)

Rey's Theme

JJ Abrams: So this scavenger girl will be transporting some old ship parts on a junky bike, and I want a soundtrack for that. Nothing too fancy- John Williams:

(Source: Reddit)

What Have I Done?

When I try to sleep after a hard test and suddenly realize all the mistakes I made

(Source: Reddit)

Here We Go Again


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Dad Joke

What do you call a relationship between two Jedi? What? A Forced relationship

(Source: Reddit)

Vending Machine

when a bag is stuck in the vending machine tries to get the snack by sticking their arm in the slot shakes the vending machine punches/ kicks the glass asks someone for help all of the above, in that order

(Source: Reddit)


My entire immune system when my elbow hits the desk made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)


First order sits down to discuss improvements to the old death star some genius: IT NEEDS MORE SHRUBBERY made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Showing Emotion

Rey and Finn when a dude they just met died Luke when he saw burnt bodies of people who raised him

(Source: Reddit)

This Will End Well

When you met him an hour ago and already chose him to be your father figure

(Source: Reddit)


Student: *Is bullied* School: Tell us! Parents: Fight back! Grandparents: You might need this. ........

(Source: Reddit)

A Strange Moment

Luke: *Milks an alien to survive in an island* Fans: Not what I expected.

(Source: Reddit)


People are counting on us. The galaxy is counting on us. Finn I missed the part where that's my problem.

(Source: Reddit)

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