19 Incredibly (Mildly) Interesting Images
Somedays the world can be so mundane. Just not interesting at all. Maybe just because we've stopped looking at the world in the same way we used to do as kids. These images from Reddit's popular subreddit "/r/mildlyinteresting" might change the way you look at this boring world. The subreddit that's like the kid who's always picked last in gym class.
These aren't the most exciting or flashy images, but they always manage to get the job done. One of the best things about this subreddit is that it's a treasure trove of useless information. But let's be real, some of the posts on /r/mildlyinteresting are downright bizarre. Like the time someone shared a picture of a piece of toast that had a perfect outline of a face on it, or when someone found a carrot that looked like a tiny hand. It's like the subreddit is populated by a bunch of people who have a little too much free time on their hands. Here we've compiled the best and the highest-voted posts from Reddit's /r/mildlyinteresting that are interesting enough to make you say, "huh, that's kinda cool."
Reusable holders.
(Source: Reddit)
An actual good step by McDonald's, but they still need to fix their ice cream machines.
Microwaved cup's handle pattern.
(Source: Reddit)
It looks cool but that's a definite "do not try at home."
Cool mushroom.
(Source: Reddit)
Imagine it's a house to an animal just as cool. The world is indeed majestic.