22 Of The Most Cringeworthy Memes Found On Facebook

Facebook is home to some great memes, but truthfully, they're few and far between. Not every part of Facebook can be a great meme page or a collection from Know Your Meme. There are lots of memes out there that are just bad all around, and some that stand out as far worse than the rest. Seriously, it's unbelievable just how awful they can get, with terrible punch lines, pain-inducing premises and images that were made to be some sort of political satire that ultimately mean nothing.
So when Facebook went down for a while the other day and we returned to find these, we almost wanted to disconnect our WiFi and give up on the internet entirely. Maybe we'd be better off. These memes are made in peak Boomer humor, with jokes that insult their wives, the younger generation, "sheeple" and many more groups of people the bitter part of the older generation collectively despises. Here are 25 reasons to unplug your router.
Who Cares?
(Source: Reddit)
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