
23 Of The Worst Memes Found Rotting On Facebook

Two boomer humor memes in the following collection.
Two boomer humor memes in the following collection.

Published October 20, 2021

Published October 20, 2021

Facebook has some questionable communities, and within them, most of their memes go a bit too far. We're not saying it's all of Facebook, of course. But it's a good portion, since the userbase has drained away until the only ones left were your weird relatives who don't believe in vaccines and love to use templates from children's movies from the early 2000s. Scrolling through this part of Facebook is like returning to a simpler time, but a much worse one.

Boomer humor is the prime example of this phenomenon. These memes are anything but good, but they're dearly loved by older women with lots of cats and a stack of Bibles in their houses. What are they about? Honestly, we're not really sure, but we know they're meant to offend the younger generation somehow. Instead, they just make us shake our heads and unfollow our Aunt Sharon. Take a look at some of the worst.

Posted By Your Super Religious Aunt

(Source: Reddit)

Get It?

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Again, Xavier

(Source: Reddit)

Cartoon Logic

(Source: Reddit)

I Bet 98% Of You Won't Share! Amen!

(Source: Reddit)

So Economic

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Elon

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Wow, So Deep

(Source: Reddit)

Hidden Costs

(Source: Reddit)

Sad Chad

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Nice Minion

(Source: Reddit)

They've Discovered Dabbing Now

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

"LOL Network"

(Source: Reddit)

I Have No Words

(Source: Reddit)

Haha Posture Bad

(Source: Reddit)

He Created Account

(Source: Reddit)

Comedy Gold

(Source: Reddit)

What Year Is This?

(Source: Reddit)

From a Sopranos Fan

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sorry, What?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: boomer humor, boomer, karen, minion, cringe, cringeworthy, cursed, cursed boomer image, facebook, facebook memes, bad memes, funny, collections,