Two images from r/ididnthaveeggs.

25 Recipe Reviews From People Who Just Aren't Good Cooks

Recipes are great things. There's so many of them online, available for free to anyone who may need them. They come in clutch in times of need. For when you don't know what to make for supper, for when you need to make an amazing dessert, or for eating on a budget. The wholesome people out there who take the time to make and share recipes with the world are truly doing us all a fabulous service. On the other side, the people who review recipes need some credit too. They are the ones who let us know if it actually worked out or not. It is an important job which is why it needs to be taken seriously.

Unfortunately, there are a whole lot of people out there who like to tweak and change recipes and then complain and wonder why they didn't work. The reviews they leave after the crime has been committed are what is really mind-boggling. Reddit's /r/ididnthaveeggs features recipe reviews where the person reviewing made a significant change to the recipe and then have the audacity to complain that it didn't work out. The lack of self-awareness is really shocking. Here are just a few of those reviews.

Skill Issue

poppyhopeyounghizpi2v- Reply 9 months ago It's alright when cooking, but the salt is unreal! I sug- gest using half or 1 a teaspoon of salt. I did 1 table spoon and a half and all I could taste was salt! If you do this, don't do as much salt. It's not bad, but there is too much salt included. Nicola Boulton 4 months ago Recipe is 1/4 of a teaspoon lol

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Maybe That's the Problem

Liv K October 3, 2023 at 12:05 pm Reply. I made this several times before, both in a springform and also in mini muffin tins. They've worked both times. This time I made it exactly how the recipe said with tofutti cream cheese and everything melted and is completely liquid. I baked for 20 min, let rest for 5. Any help? Nora October 3, 2023 at 12:10 pm Reply. I'm a little confused because you only baked it for 20 minutes? You are supposed to bake it for 50, followed by 10 more minutes in the oven without opening the door. So that might be the problem.

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Writing a Novel Here

K Kat 3 months ago I didn't follow the recipe but want to... however I was in my kitchen scraping sweet potatoes from the shells from a recent bbq - and corn from the cob.... My husband mentioned how he loved the cucumber salad I made (cukes evoo s&p lol). - then I had leftover chicken thighs - so I chopped them up added kewpie, celery, green onion, garlic & onion powder - and thought hmm soy sauce! Toasted sesame oil! Wow!!! So yummy! Was planning on doing the tuna and will!

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Okay, Well…

Emma ✩✩04/25/2016 Did not turn out like the picture showed. The whole sheet of cookies melted in the oven into one huge rectangular cookie. Used the exact proportions given except I used rice flour and egg replacer. Helpful (0)

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Answering Your Own Questions Here

Anonymous December 10, 2022 I made these scallion pancakes the other day. I thought they were awful. We order them from our favorite take-out place all the time, and they are usually very flaky. Mine were heavy/dense/doughy and not at all flaky. I found the dough heavy and hard to work. I would like to know what consistency the dough should be? Mine was like a bread dough. It was hard to get it stretched thin. I followed the recipe except I did use bread flour instead of all purpose flour and then I didn't have time to let the dough rest. I have to admit I forgot to brush the flour-oil mixture on the pancakes before rolling them, so that may have contributed to the problem. I didn't have the ingredients for the dipping sauce so we just used plain soy sauce and added some black pepper for a dipping sauce. It didn't taste like the sauce from our favorite take out. I really can't recommend this recipe. 10 Comment

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Margaret Ann Davis SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 AT 10:09 AM reply. When recipe calls for 1 cup flour, is that self- raising or general purpose? Do I really need to go to store and purchase "cake flour" in a major storm? This is absolutely NOT A SIMPLE RECIPE. WHY WOULD I EVEN ATTEMPT TO CREATE THIS WHEN MOST PEOPLE TODAY JUST WANT EASY TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS WITHOUT HAVING TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS? I will pass. Austin SEPTEMBER 30, 2023 AT 11:13 AM reply. I think flour means FLOUR I THINK SELF RISING FLOUR WOULD BE CALLED SELF RISING FLOUR AND CAKE FLOUR WOULD BE ♡ CALLED CAKE FLOUR THIS RECIPE IS VERY SIMPLE I LIKE IT THAT'S WHY I AM USING CAPS 240K

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Cream Is Not Cream

JESSICA S. says: February 18, 2023 Made this pie tonight for the family. I didn't have any heavy cream on hand so I subbed sour cream instead. The texture was ok, but the flavor was pretty bad; way too tarty for my taste. Not sure if I would want to make again. ★★ Reply LAURA says: February 22, 2023 You used a completely wrong ingredient 58 and then gave the original recipe a tw star review? It doesn't call for sour cream, or shaving cream, or cream cheese. It calls for heavy cream. Reply

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HEIDI - APRIL 25, 2021 @ 12:43 PM Try using lemon essential oil. I use it for zest of lemon and orange oil for orange zest. It's fantastic

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You Tell Him

Will January 26, 2023 at 5:26 pm I deleted the liquid smoke cornstarch, and Sriracha. Instead, I added a half 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger, 2 teaspoons of fish sauce.2 teaspoons tamarind. REPLY Also, instead of cubing it, I cut the tofu in half and made rectangles. I blended all the sauces up in a food processor with the garlic and stuck the tofu in that marinade.. Then, instead of parchment paper, I put it in a cast-iron skillet with sesame oil in the bottom And cooked it at 3:50. Bake for 10 minutes. Then I turned it over and put the rest of the marinade on top and baked it for another 10 minutes. It came out wonderful wasn't dry and edgeburnt.. The garlic, soy fish, ginger, tamarind and sesame oil really worked Dawn plume March 11, 2023 at 3:52 pm REPLY So, Will, you made a completely different recipe....not this one at all..then gave yourself 5 stars?!?

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That Should've Been a Given

4020loti 1952063 2 weeks ago gave this to bill and he was put in the hospital zero out of then no mentions of nuts Reply javeriabashir 1 Egi84T5v 3 days ago Which part of nut did you miss in "peaNUT" cookies?

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That's Just Silly

M Mary Daniel | 4 years ago We made this for dessert yesterday. The only change I made to the recipe was that I used buttermilk instead of whole. We did not care for the consistency - and the buttermilk in combination with the sour cream based ganache was not good - almost bland to the bitter. I have found other and better recipes for chocolate cake and would encourage others to do just that.

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C colormestacy | 5 years ago Didn't marinate for 12 hours because my boyfriend and I don't live together. I was cooking this at his place and wasn't going to show up in the morning to set up. We've been dating for almost three years, so we have talked about moving in together, but he wants to live in Brooklyn Heights and that's too far from work for me. Say what you want, but I also enjoy having my own space. Subbed honey with agave nectar because I'm a Millennial. Will be making again!

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Caged_Mango reviewed Ooey Gooey Cinnamon Rolls. 3/16/2009 你你你 This is the first time I have tried to make cinnamon rolls. The dough rose wonderfully and they looked yummy, however, they weren't all that sweet and the taste just wasn't there. I didn't use the topping and I followed the advice of some others and used less filling, which I think took away much of the sweetness and taste. If I try again I will use more of the filling and try a topping. Like Reply

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Really Though

Theresa posted on 8/6/23 at 5:02 pm Don't have an air fryer. Small kitchen with limited counter space. All these recipes won't work for me REPLY Daisy Turner posted on 10/19/23 at 6:15 pm Then why did you click on the recipe? It says "air fryer" in the name. Seems like you lack common sense missy. REPLY 3

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11. Notes (1) D df. 9mo ago Sweet They are big cookies 100% rated ...

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cookiemaker reviewed Diet Coke Cake. 12/13/2007 Well, this didn't really work for me. I couldn't get a toothpick to come out clean, even after more time, so I thought I'd just let it cool and see what happened. It's really gooey. I did realize that my oven maybe wasn't all the way up to 350 (what the box called for). Also, I used a reduced sugar mix (it contains Splenda), so that may have had something to do with it. Oh well. It doesn't have eggs in it, so we'll just eat it gooey like this. I made some glaze/frosting to put on top, just powdered sugar and milk and flavoring. I'm sure the cool whip frosting would be great, I just didn't have any. No stars, because I didn't quite follow the recipe. I may try it again sometime, with a regular cake mix, and be sure to have the oven exactly as high as it needs to be. Like 1 Reply

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Come On

KathleenAK June 27, 2023 I see the instructions say to use an ungreased muffin tin, but it shows a nonstick pan. Will these crusts release out of a regular old-style muffin tin, without greasing it? I don't have the nonstick kind. Thank you. (I put one star because I have not actually tried this product yet) Helpful (0) Report Reply Show Replies (2)

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I Don't Know About That

Joyce U says November 23, 2022 at 9:02 REPLY am If raw honey is not available, could I substitute whey for the orange juice? Grow Forage Cook Ferment says November 28, 2022 at 7:59 am Hi Joyce. You could try, but I am not entirely sure what you'll finished product will taste like. If you experiment with it, let me know it turns out! BERLY 559

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No Way

Autumn Garibay ✩✩ 02/02/2016 I didn't have any baking soda.The cookies melted! Helpful (1)

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Nichele 07/05/2010 I couldn't give it a five because I didn't follow the recipe,exactly...the avacado gave it a smooth creamy feel and taste, YUM! I added frozen bananas to thicken and sweeten instead of honey and used almond milk in place of milk. To increase the healthyness I added powdered Barley grass and powdered Wheat grass, It was EXCELLENT, the whole family liked it, even our kids wanted more? Will be making this again!

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Most helpful critical review Kay ✩✩02/29/2008 No true Southerner puts sugar in the cornbread. The secret of Southern cornbread is to heat the fat in a skillet and pour the batter into the hot skillet. Helpful (445)

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There's Your Problem

Melody 06/23 I think the recipe lacked good flavor. I didn't add cinnamon so perhaps that could be it, but it seemed a bit bland. Reply 1 reaction Hide replies Diet 07/23 Thanks for the tip I won't waste my time Reply Kaleigh 08/23 Diet she literally didn't add cinnamon powder though lol Reply 1 reaction

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Anonymous January 14, 2023 I add oxtail, cabbage, Swiss chard and pinto beans and orzo. Instead of tomatoes I use v8 J 0 Comment Anonymous April 23, 2023 Have you ever tried this recipe? Just curious.... +1 Comment

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Probably Yeah

Not sure where I went wrong on this but both times trying the cookies merged into one big cookie and didn't bake through. Followed the recipe. A tad disappointing as they look amazing and had high hopes! Reply. Emma says August 06, 2023 at 2:47 pm Sorry forgot to add I did use gluten free flour so not sure if this was an issue. Any thoughts? Thank you

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Just a Different Recipe

I love this cake mix. I altered the recipe... 5 out of 5 February 26, 2021 Originally posted on Betty Crocker I love this cake mix. I altered the recipe by using 2 eggs only, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, cut the oil to 1/3 cup and added 1/4 cup my grain flour (that I make using a mix of buckwheat, barley, and oat flours) and then spooned mix into paper cups for muffins and baked in my Toaster oven for 20 min. fantastic !! NAC7 10 Report

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