
25 Relatable Memes Your Friends Will Understand Too

Two images from r/meirl
Two images from r/meirl

Published October 05, 2023

Published October 05, 2023

Memes sometimes have a funny way of uniting people. They are so well loved by the world for their simplicity, variety and of course their relatability. Memes that are relatable are some of the best kinds because they can be shared not only with friends but with the whole world. Relatable memes have a funny way of describing a very specific emotion, feeling or situation. They can explain things so perfectly and allow people to discover that not everyone is all that different from one another after all.

Some memes really are great for their way of bringing the whole world together, so much can be said through just a simple meme. They are a great way to make light of a bad situation. Reddit's /r/meirl contains only the most relatable memes. "Me IRL" stands for "me, in real life," and it's basically just a phrase to express moments of real-life things when they're mentioned in social media posts. Here are 25 relatable memes to share with everyone today.

That's One Way to Deal with Things

(Source: Reddit)

It Is a Daily Problem

(Source: Reddit)

Falling Apart

(Source: Reddit)

Funny Though

(Source: Reddit)

Why Would You do That

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Poor Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Absolutely There Is

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Feeling Excluded

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Do They?

(Source: Reddit)

It Is Kinda Weird Though

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Guy Things

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good Times

(Source: Reddit)

That's The Worst Case Scenario

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Why Does This Happen?

(Source: Reddit)

Not Quite

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: me irl, robert patterson, news, relatable memes, twitter, burgers, food, memes, spongebob, video games, reddit, tiktok, cat, dogs, collections,