Two tweets in the following collection.

23 Wholesome Tweets Guaranteed To Make Your Day Better

Twitter isn't exactly the kind of place to make you smile. But according to the subreddit /r/mademesmile, these tweets are better than the rest. Here are some of the best wholesome tweets that will leave you feeling a little bit better this morning.

Celebrating Accomplishments

Sarah Griffin @skg_18 Imao a boy messaged me on Instagram "this is really weird but we matched on a dating app like 4 years ago and you said you wanted to be a sportswriter and I just came across an article of yours today so congrats" why am I tearing up LOL

(Source: Reddit)

Spider-Man Pointing at Spider-Man

Madison Malone Kircher O @4evrmalone met a woman in a bathroom line last night who told me she was a writer and I said I was one too and she was like "oh we're that Spiderman meme" and then we both immediately, instinctively pointed fingers at each other and I'm still thinking about it

(Source: Reddit)


I was behind a grandmother who was apparently visiting Starbucks for the first time. The barista said, "CanI get a name for your drink?" She looked very confused and said, slowly, "I guess just call it Bob?"

(Source: Reddit)

Worth Celebrating

em @uhhm this woman just came and bought $300 worth of fireworks and I was being nice and said "ooh are ya planning a big bbq" and she said "no my son has muscular distrophy and was supposed to die by 18, we're celebrating his 40th birthday tomorrow, he likes fireworks" wow 12:29 AM 路 Mar 11, 2021 路 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

Hanging Out with Him

Marina Preciado @oxminaox My husband has been so helpful with our baby but watching him become a dad has been so funny. The other night he did the 3am feeding while I slept, but he woke me up to say "okay I changed him, he's fed, but he's awake still. Do I just hangout with him?"

(Source: Reddit)

His First House

I bought myself a house, after 4 months of work (and waiting out my apt lease) I moved in, slept my 1st night in it. When I was a boy in foster care I used to think before sleep, "someday l'll have my very own house and nobody will tell me I have to leave". Now that is true. ...

(Source: Reddit)

A Successful Date

Elizabeth my little sister went on a date with a young farmer tonight. He decided to gift her a 12kg wheel of cheese...?

(Source: Reddit)

Human Nigel

Bounder @DawgBelly A small joy in my life is that my sis is dating a guy with the same name as her cat & human Nigel hates that we all call him human Nigel. 5/11/17, 5:49 PM

(Source: Reddit)

Never Too Old For a Water Park

Dad took us to the water park. We are 24.

(Source: Reddit)

FaceTime from a Baby

Chris @chris I got a random FaceTime call just now. Answered. IT WAS A BABY. He was playing on his mom's phone and was typing numbers and CALLED ME. Made my night honestly

(Source: Reddit)


Jennifer Griffin Graham @jgriffingraham My kid discovered you can photocopy anything and now he's trying to prank me

(Source: Reddit)

Ryan Reynolds

Gabi Dunn @gabidunn99 My boyfriend and I broke up a few days after prom, sol decided to "edit" the photos a little @VancityReynolds owill ent Ryan Reynolds @VancityReynolds We should photoshop me over his yearbook picture next. #DontMessWithGabi

(Source: Reddit)

Zoom Participant

Abby Tomlinson @twcuddleston my cat has become OBSESSED with sitting in on my zoom calls and has now perfected the art of glaring straight down the camera

(Source: Reddit)

Worth It

Daisy Alioto O @daisandconfused just spent so long prying my step grandmother's locket open and it was 100% worth it 10:08 AM 路 5/30/21 路 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

Teachers Deserve It

je @je I went to Target today and was buying all my students supplies for the upcoming school year and was pushing a cart full of massive amounts of stuff and a lady stops me and says "Are you a teacher?" so I say yes and she says "I don't care the price. I'll pay for all of it."

(Source: Reddit)

Cats Everywhere

Sarah Williams @misanthropologa During teaching today I was petting my cat and my co-teacher announced it and asked to see the cat. Then no fewer than 60% of the students reached down and pulled THEIR cats up into view of the cameras and suddenly my Zoom squares were all cats and everything was perfect.

(Source: Reddit)

Best Day Ever

Mike G. Fejes @fejesmg I was unable to find child care for my daughter this week so we have been hanging out. Today, I took her for a 5km run/ bike ride (I try to run and she bikes). Halfway, she looked at me and said "this is the best day of my life daddy"... If anyone needs me, I am out buying a pony. 4:53 pm 路 22/07/2021 路 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

Starbucks Order

Gus Constantellis @ConstantlyGus My mom loves going to Starbucks but she doesn't speak English and doesn't remember her order. Three times a week, I get a phone call from a barista and I'm like, "tall caramel frappuccino" and then quickly hang up like it's some sort of caffeinated drug deal.

(Source: Reddit)

Cuteness Overload

We have just had our patio done and my 6yo has loved going out and helping the builder, so it made his day to receive this. What an example of kindness Pay packet Harry For passing bricks Passing little pavers pointing brick work Mixing cement loading stone taking pictures of black birds and spider saying why more times than I have ever heard anyone say why and being a smashing little guy minus tax and national insurance 拢10.00

(Source: Reddit)

Graduation Gift

Frances Boreham @FrancesBoreham I once told my husband that I was jealous of Finnish PhD students because they got given a sword when they graduate. Sadly, my graduation this week has been postponed due to covid. But *he got me a sword*!

(Source: Reddit)

J-Ryz @j_ryz Ran into a guy I played football with in high school today. As he's introducing me to his gf he says, "This is John he was the only popular kid in high school who didn't bully me. He was actually my friend." Just a reminder that people never forget how you make them feel

(Source: Reddit)

Parenting Done Right

Anna Gazmarian @anna_gazm... 路 21h I heard my husband whispering to our daughter about ordering something on ... Amazon for her. Then I came home from the grocery today to this.

(Source: Reddit)

Ain't No Hollaback Squirrel

Spencer @13spencer Any song is better if you replace the word "girl" with "squirrel." Go ahead, try it.

(Source: Reddit)

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