History Memes from the collection.

26 Factual History Memes To Show How Weird The Past Was

Stepping into a time machine and traveling back to a past era, one of the best items to pack would probably be a phone with a camera roll full of saved history memes. Showing an inhabitant of the Byzantine capital of Constantinople a meme depicting his imperial home as a place full of based Wojaks would probably endear you to these ancient humans and ensure you a place at court. There, you could tell them all about the marvels that the modern world has created, everything from Reddit to antibiotics.

Either that or the ancient people would interpret your meme-sharing as a form of devilish spell casting and execute you as a heretic on those grounds. It's always difficult for humor to translate, and it's likely that history memes would not work back in historical times. These history memes are for us, today, to understand the people of the past. No matter how epic or GigaChad your posting is, an ancient inhabitant of Byzantium would likely not vibe with it.

Zoomers When The Draft Hits

No cap general, the situation is not bussin at all. We full sended the napalm, but deadass, the Vietkong ate it. Kinda sus. Now they slapping, fr fr. Over.

(Source: Reddit)

Steam Is To Rotate Doner, Nothing Else

LIZZIE IZZIE CLLLL Modern History buffs 108.04.24 ANKITAME You could have started the industrial revolution centuries earlier 16th century Turks KEBABTECH using steam power 000

(Source: Reddit)

World Wars

Germany Sending Lenin to Russia in 1916 STARK INDUS Germany in 1945

(Source: Reddit)


1353 affected by Black Plague unaffected by Black Plague) Stockholm Copenhagen London Cologne Paris Milan •Cracow • Vienna Europe Poland Kiev Moscow Black death

(Source: Reddit)


All armies: our uniform must blend with the surroundings and make us less visible from a distance French army: Well, this looks good!

(Source: Reddit)

Rome Mode

Aurelian "I can fix this girl." The girl: Gallic Empire Roman Empire Palmyrene Empire

(Source: Reddit)


1 GTON Britain in British history books Britain in every other history book

(Source: Reddit)

Vive La Revolution

No one: French Royalty in the 18th century:

(Source: Reddit)

Map Mind

Here's how I would save the Byzantine Empire and the west. HUNGARY LAGRA BYZANTIUM MEAB DJERID FEZZAN Here's how I would save the Byzantine Empire and the west HVZINY

(Source: Reddit)

West Indies

Nobody: Christopher Columbus after discovering the western world: This is India. You can tell it's India because of the way it is

(Source: Reddit)

Phone Charges First

Winged Hussar takes selfies before attacking Ottomanv TH Battle of Vienna 1683

(Source: Reddit)

Believe Egyptians

The ancient Egyptians after spending tons of years building the pyramids and now people are saying aliens built them ap

(Source: Reddit)

14th Century Drip

I am a self made noble, I will now begin to dress as one Nnooooo you can't just wear what we wear! Now we'll have to make laws that determine what color clothes people can wear and what jewelry they may have and how much they can spend! 978

(Source: Reddit)


MIDEN You've been given an elephant. You can't give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?* Your answer This is a required question Submit

(Source: Reddit)

Brain Food

YOU BECOME WHAT YOU FEED YOUR MIND successpictures DREAMS Qing dynasty @sucos spictures DISCIPLINE POSITIVITY Bax.racz

(Source: Reddit)

Battle Time

Lake Baikal, 15 August 1918: made with mematic The Red Army Czechoslovak Legion

(Source: Reddit)

Linguistic Evolution

Latin, ancient Greek, Nordic runes, Hieroglyphs Modern languages

(Source: Reddit)

Barbarians Converted

Vikings becoming christian after pillaging churches all over Europe Mongols becoming muslim after ending the Islamic golden age

(Source: Reddit)


Me: This Greek movie character is too unrealistic" Meanwhile Medieval Greek man: >Tutored Emperors Somehow lived to 100 >Saved countless works of Greek philosophy >Practiced Greek Paganism... in the Middle Ages >Triggered the Renaissance >Lived just long enough to see Constantinople fall

(Source: Reddit)

Sasquatch Posting

REGULAR PEOPLE ENCOUNTERING BIGFOOT: "Quick get a picture with the iPhone 3!" "Look a Sasquatch." THE CHOCTAW: "You have plagued our people for long enough, now it is time you die." *Roar*

(Source: Reddit)

The Good Old Days

Yet another old skill that has been lost over the years. Woman practicing cutting off a head while riding a bicycle.

(Source: Reddit)

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

Other people in their 30s Let's invest into our new home Caesar in his 30s At my age, you had achieved so much more. Who will remember me? hovlisto

(Source: Reddit)

Alternate History

I Bet He's Thinking About Other Women What If the manhattan project failed?

(Source: Reddit)

Thai Support For Union

with n made with mematic King Mongkut when writing to Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War Abraham Lincoln

(Source: Reddit)

Punic Conflict

Hamilcar Barca. People in the Iberian peninsula minding their own business. People in the Iberian peninsula minding their own business.

(Source: Reddit)

Very Early History

guys i just started reading history, what season do these australopithecus guys appear? John Sibbick

(Source: Reddit)

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