Happy Friday! Here Are 15 Memes To Start Your Weekend Early

It's finally Friday. It's been a long week, and even though we had a holiday not too long ago, it feels like it's been an eternity since we've had a break. Whether you're a summer student or a full-time worker (or both), we're sure you've been working hard. And while we can't reward you with the paid time off you deserve, we can give you some fun and relatable content to laugh at, since we could all use something to make our Fridays a little bit better during this strange era in human history.
So, happy Friday! Now, you can take some time off work and just do nothing for a couple of days. It's been a long wait, but the weekend is finally here, and it's finally time to do anything to avoid thinking about Monday. To celebrate, we've found some of the best and most relatable weekend memes for you to enjoy before your big plans (or lack thereof) this fine weekend.