Two wholesome memes in the following collection.

Lift Your Spirits With 18 Freshly Picked Wholesome Memes

Memes can cure everything. Well, maybe not everything, but they can certainly make your day a bit better. If you're a fan of positive meme content, then you know exactly what we're talking about here. Once in a while, we like to leave the unwholesome memes behind. We're not always happy with the dark jokes and self-depreciation of the average meme, so we prefer a better, kinder version to get us through the transition back to the work week. And now, we've gathered some of our favorites to make sure you can feel a little more cheerful today, even if it only makes you smile a little.

We understand that the end of the weekend can be tough, so we're choosing to make yours a little bit better with a wholesome meme collection. Below are 19 of our favorite images that should send you to a way better place than you currently are right now, and if you're in a comfortable place already, then consider us jealous.

Thank you for your kindness, old ladies

When you are considered too old to trick or treat but the old lady next door still gives you candy Candy Ме

(Source: Reddit)

Changing my name to Cliff immediately

This is my dad. His name is Cliff. DANGEROUS CLIFF STAY BACK

(Source: Reddit)

What American politics SHOULD look like…ammiright?!

CAN YOU HELP ME READ? SURE, IF YOU'LL HELP ME READ! THANKS FOR THANKS FOR READING OUT LOUD TURNING THE PAGES! friends my I get by with a little help from Happy Tuesday-10/29/19 4AMSHOWER by Guy Kop sombut

(Source: Reddit)

A frog and a gentleman

i в L Bruce Landlord Today 11:18 AM It is clear in the lease: no pets are allowed in the apt. Sorry Delivered OK I will make an exception because he looks very polite

(Source: Reddit)

Alexa, show me a guardian angel

ED POP CORN YAHOO LIFESTYLE 2-MIN READ Carpenter with no children sends 33 strangers to college after amassing $3 million in savings Because that's what heroes do cato

(Source: Reddit)

Don't alarm the fudge please

70735 Dark Chocolate& Sea Salt White Chocolate LEASE DO NOT TAP THE GLASS IT SCARES THE FUDGE MANAGER'S SPECIAL OPefal Boo2y CRUIT NUT Please ask us for full allergen and ingredient specilications

(Source: Reddit)

Or pretty much every food

Me and my dog when I grill up a nice juicy steak

(Source: Reddit)

My dad 6 yo me going on the Carrousel at the mall for the tenth time

(Source: Reddit)

Proud of you

We always see Kermit memes where he's crying in the shower, sadly touching his face or sipping tea, but look at the growth.

(Source: Reddit)

Forever Fiji

Pakalu Papito @pakalupapitow don't let anyone treat u like pond water ur fiji water ok 12:34 PM Sep 15, 2019 Twitter Web App 7.9K Retweets 17.4K Likes

(Source: Reddit)

$50 for saving turtles.

guy buys turtles for $50 at markets and releases them

(Source: Reddit)

Let Gru run for President already

For Halloween our principal shaved his head and dressed like Gru. All the teachers were minions likes this Reddit Boomers

(Source: Reddit)

That is one amazing friend

My mum always made me a birthday cake. Every year for 44 years. Two months since she died and my old dad tried his hardest and my heart melted...

(Source: Reddit)

No sir, you are a patron saint

to everyone who said I hung my door upside down: I did it so my dogs can see outside, i'm not a idiot lol

(Source: Reddit)

Baked ziti is the cure for everything

Me suffering from literally any physical or mental ailment My Italian Mother Baked Ziti

(Source: Reddit)

Had NOT considered this

You ever think maybe hot chocolate wants to be called beautiful chocolate just one time

(Source: Reddit)

A friendship I can get behind

peace was nover an option

(Source: Reddit)

I would very much like to watch this movie

found my clone selling nuts in istanbul. we couldn't communicate... ...but the whole market was cry-laughing. DOGA DoG

(Source: Reddit)

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