These 24 Tattoos Were Huge Mistakes
The result of terrible decisions, but these ones are permanent.
15 Shower Thoughts To Pique Your Curiosity
The kinds of thoughts that only emerge when you're alone, bored, feeling inspired.
15 Literary Memes For All The Bookworms Out There
For those who love to curl up with a good book.
15 Attempts At Memes From Reddit's 'Special Snowflakes'
15 memes from creators who tried their best, but couldn't make it to /r/dankmemes.
25 Captivating Images You Certainly Won't Like
But they're well worth a look.
14 Puzzling Photos Taken From Some Confusing Perspectives
These pictures take a second (or maybe third) look to fully understand what's going on.
22 Surreal Memes To Experience A Reality Unknown To Our World
Hypothetical memes from a future reality, perhaps.
11 Clever Comebacks That Seriously Proved A Point
Coming up with the perfect comeback to someones argument is never an easy task. These people though were lucky enough to come up with just the right thing to say.
25 Relatable Memes That Seem To Speak To The Soul
Memes made for everyone.
25 'Choosing Beggars' Asking For Completely Insane Things
The audacity of some people.
23 'Dungeons And Dragons' Memes To Share At The Next 'DnD' Session
An array of 'DnD' memes for players of all types to enjoy.
25 Images That Prove We Are Living In Dystopia
Photos from the strange, and sometimes sad, world we all live in.