20 People Acting Completely Insane On Social Media
Some people just have no self-control when it comes to posting online.
25 Madlads Committing Unthinkable Acts Of Insanity
The madlads of the world are the people who aren't afraid to stand out. Consequences mean nothing to them.
25 Tinder Encounters With Varying Degrees Of Success
Some of these lines worked, others didn't. Try them at your own discretion.
24 People Getting Caught In Ridiculous Lies
Lying on the internet is a favorite pastime of many folks.
21 Bone-Hurting Anti-Memes
Some memes hurt your bones, and others destroy them. Here are some examples.
21 Surreal Memes To Question Your Reality
The world of memes is vast and varied. Here are a few surreal memes that will make you question your sanity.
19 Nonsensical Memes That Are Prime Humor Material
Some memes are so ironic they're just straight-up nonsensical, here are a few examples.
20 Memes For All The 'Harry Potter' Fans
The Wizarding World is as interesting as it is hilarious, here are a few memes to commemorate it.
14 Memes Taken Straight Out Of The Comedy Graveyard
Some memes are totally abysmal, and yet they're still hilarious. Here are a few examples.
15 Memes From The Gutters Of Reddit
Here are a couple of memes that are taken from the best of the worst.
20 People Acting Completely Insane On Social Media
Take a look at the most unhinged real social media posts from Reddit's /r/insanepeoplefacebook.
17 Cursed Comments No One Should Have To Read
Think twice before speaking your truth online.