meme insider

Exploring The Massive 'Mario Kart' Fandom On TikTok

super mario kart wii switch nintendo tiktok
super mario kart wii switch nintendo tiktok

Published October 30, 2020

Published October 30, 2020

Even if you're not an avid gamer, you've probably played a round of Mario Kart before. It's one of those rare video game series that both casual and hardcore gamers can enjoy on an even plain. It's easy to jump in and learn for anyone regardless of prior gaming skill, but can also be a more hardcore experience for those who want to learn all the shortcuts and get their drifting at 150-CCs down to a science.

The accessibility of the series (and no doubt it's attachment to the Super Mario name) has made it one of the most popular games on earth, with three separate entries in the series cracking the 100 bestselling video games list. Considering this, it's no surprise that Mario Kart has such a massive fandom online, but one platform is often overlooked when considering that fandom: TikTok.

As of this October, videos hashtagged with "#mariokart" have amassed over 800 million views, and that's not even considering all the Mario-Kart-themed TikToks not attached to the tag and using Mario Kart original sounds. In exploring the hashtag and related Mario Kart sounds, you quickly realize just how much TikTokers love the series, and how many original memes and trends it has managed to inspire on the platform.

Treadmill Challenge / 123start

One of the most popular Mario-Kart-inspired memes, set to the original sound 123start, sees TikTokers start up a treadmill at various speeds, sit in a laundry basket, and ride it — kind of like when you get a really good starting boost in-game. These videos blew up across TikTok around May 2020, with some of the most popular videos following the trend hitting over 33.8 million and 27.7 million views a pop.

It's a fun trend that's resulted in a lot of hilarious wipeouts, and TikTokers still haven't gotten tired of it, with new videos still popping up from time to time. However, some of them are accompanied by a danger warning from TikTok, so you know, wear a helmet if you're going to try this one.

Mario Kart Challenge

Next, we have the Mario Kart Challenge, although TikTokers can't seem to decide exactly what this challenge is. Some videos tagged "#mariokartchallenge" show people competing in a Fruit-By-The-Foot-eating competition (shown below, left) while others involve having candy or shots fed down a moving treadmill to another person, who has to ingest them as fast as they come (shown below, right).

A lot of Mario Kart Challenge videos involve racing pets by setting up trails of treats. These are definitely some of the more adorable Mario Kart videos on the platform. So, if you're trying to perform this challenge, you have a few options before you. The fandom isn't picky.

Studying to Mario Kart Music

One of the latest Mario Kart memes on TikTok, set to Coconut Mall from Mario Kart Wii, has TikTokers claiming that studying to Mario Kart music allows them to study and complete homework with remarkable speed. The meme first started popping up in early October and only spread from there. Most of the videos are clearly jokes, but it's genuinely hard to tell in some instances.

The comment sections of these videos potentially shine a little more light on the meme. They point out that video game music is meant to hold your concentration so you play the game longer. Apply that logic to studying, and bam, case cracked. Popular Science even published an article about it in 2018, so it's far from an insane notion. Joke or not, this is a pretty hilarious little series of videos on TikTok that you should definitely check out.

Coconut Mall Yee

No Mario Kart song has taken off on TikTok quite like "Coconut Mall." The track is used in over 21,000 videos across the platform, with some of the most popular uses being for a trend called "Coconut Mall Yee." This one is pretty simple. TikTokers upload a video of themselves playing "Coconut Mall" on an instrument of their choice over the original sound with the on-screen caption "coconut mall yee" over the clip. Other TikTokers then duet with those videos, adding to the track with their own instrument. Why not, right?

It's not clear exactly why "Coconut Mall" gets this treatment over other Mario Kart songs, but it's a fun trend regardless. If you have musical talent and love Mario Kart, give this one a go.

Mario Kart IRL

Some brave TikTokers take it upon themselves to try and recreate Mario Kart in real life. What does that look like, you ask? Well, it involves a lot of very DIY cosplay, make-do go-karts and just a little bit of danger.

This is pretty much the peak of the Mario Kart fandom on TikTok seeing as it involves the most effort and results in arguably the most entertaining results. Seeing Mario Kart fans bring their favorite game to life is heartwarming in a weird way, and just makes you wish you were doing the same thing. This one goes on the post-quarantine checklist.

Community and the Power of Mario Kart

These are just some of the most popular Mario Kart formats on TikTok. A deeper look shows even more sporadic Mario Kart memes, from simple label-based formats (shown below, left) to more nostalgic posts that show a love of the game spanning back into the user's childhood (shown below, right). TikTok's love of the Mario Kart series shows off the massive influence the game has had on Millenials and Zoomers, and the communal power that the game brings to the table. It doesn't just get people together on the couch to have a few races, it also gets people together in real life to make fun videos showing off their love for the series. Mario Kart TikTok might be one of the most wholesome fandom communities online right now, and it's more than worth a quick drive through.

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Tags: mario, mario kart, tiktok, social media, #mariokart, gaming, nintendo, switch, wii, super mario, video games, meme insider, editorials,

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